June 2020 pikkulog


It's way too hot. :(


Set up an Atom feed for this log.

I will be offline (and, indeed off-grid) from the middle of the 22nd to the middle of the 25th. I'm looking forward to doing some shortwave DXing and experimenting with recording SW to MiniDisc for the first time.


Gemini is a year old today! I can't believe it!

Happy birthday, Gemini!

I celebrated with a 50km bike ride. Well, okay, 48.5km. I promise not to care if you do.

Lately I've been slowly working my way through the:

Scuttlebutt Protocol Guide

and it's slowly starting to sink in. I'm very curious about using SSB as way to distribute TLS certificates.


Hyvää Juhannusta kaikille!


Inspired by Shufei's Weiphlog, I've setup a "pikkulog" for shorter and more casual writing, which sadly is increasingly all I have time for these days.

Shufei's 微phlog (Weiphlog)

Amidst all the busy discussion on the Gemini mailing list regarding applications and upload extensions, it's been wonderful to pop in on CAPCOM from time to time and see so many people getting on with the business of writing. I'm particularly delighted to see that not only has Christina posted five questions for people to answer, but people are finding them, and replying, and the whole thing is "doing the rounds". It's a great sign that this mechanism of organic discovery and direct person-to-person writing is already functioning in Geminispace, and gives me hope for its future.

Christina's gemlog
