Recovering Our Lost Free Will Online: Tools and Techniques That Are Available Now

*This started out at a post on my blog[1]. This edited version is intended to be kept more up-to-date.*


As I've been thinking and writing about Privacy[2] and decentralization lately, I had a conversation with a colleague this week, and he commented about how loss of privacy is related to loss of agency: that is, loss of our ability to make our own choices, pursue our own interests, and be master of our own attention.

2: /privacy/

In terms of telecommunications, we have never really been free, though in terms of Internet and its predecessors, there have been times where we had a lot more choice. Many are too young to remember this, and for others, that era is a distant memory.

The irony is that our present moment is one of enormous consolidation of power, and yet also one of a proliferation of technologies that let us wrest back some of that power. In this post, I hope to enlighten or remind us of some of the choices we have lost --- and also talk about the ways in which we can choose to regain them, already, right now.

I will talk about the possibilities, the big dreams that are possible now, and then go into more detail about the solutions.

The Problems & Possibilities

The limitations of “online”

We make the assumption that we must be “online” to exchange data. This is reinforced by many “modern” protocols; Twitter clients, for instance, don't tend to let you make posts by relaying them through disconnected devices.

What would it be like if you could fully participate in global communities without a constant Internet connection? If you could share photos with your friends, read the news, read your email, etc. even if you don't have a connection at present? Even if the device you use to do that never has a connection, but can route messages via other devices that do?

Would it surprise you to learn that this was once the case? Back in the days of UUCP[3], much Email[4] and Usenet[5] news --- a global discussion forum that didn't require an Internet connection --- was relayed via occasional calls over phone lines. This technology remains with us, and has even improved.

3: /uucp/

4: /email/

5: /usenet/

Sadly, many modern protocols make no effort in this regard. Some email clients will let you compose messages offline[6] to send when you get online later, but the assumption always is that you will be connected to an IP network again soon.

6: /tools-for-communicating-offline-and-in-difficult-circumstances/

NNCP[7], on the other hand, lets you relay messages over TCP, a radio, a satellite, or a USB stick. Email and Usenet, since they were designed in an era where store-and-forward was valued, can actually still be used in an entirely “offline” fashion (without ever touching an IP-based network). All it takes is for someone to care to make it happen. You can even still do it over UUCP if you like.

7: /nncp/

The physical and data link layers

Many of us just accept that we communicate in a few ways: Wifi for short distances, and then cable modems or DSL for our local Internet connection, and then many people are fuzzy about what happens after that. Or, alternatively, we have 4G phones that are the local Internet connection, and the same “fuzzy” things happen after.

Think about this for a moment. Which of these do you control in any way? Sometimes just wifi, sometimes maybe you have choices of local Internet providers. After that, your traffic is handled by enormous infrastructure companies.

There is choice here.

People in ham radio have been communicating digitally over long distances without the support of the traditional Internet for decades, but the technology to do this is now more accessible to anyone. Long-distance radio has had tremendous innovation in the last decade; cheap radios can now communicate over several miles/km without any other infrastructure at all. We all carry around radios (Wifi and Bluetooth) in our pockets that don't have to be used as mere access points to the Internet or as drivers of headphones, but can also form their own networks directly (Briar).

Meshtastic[8] is an example; it's an instant messenger that can form a mesh over many miles/km and requires no IP infrastructure at all. Briar is similar. XBee SX[9] radios form a mesh in hardware, allowing peers to reach each other (also over many miles/km) with a serial or framed protocol.

8: /meshtastic/

9: /xbee-sx/

Loss of peer-to-peer

Back in the late 90s, I worked at a university. I had a 386 on my desk for a workstation -- not a powerful computer even then. But I put the boa webserver on it and could just serve pages on the Internet. I didn't have to get permission. Didn't have to pay a hosting provider. I could just DO it.

And of course that is because the university had no firewall and no NAT. Every PC at the university was a full participant on the Internet as much as the servers at Microsoft or DEC. All I needed was a DNS entry. I could run my own SMTP server if I wanted, run a web or Gopher server, and that was that.

There are many reasons why this changed. Nowadays most residential ISPs will block SMTP for their customers, and if they didn't, others would; large email providers have decided not to federate with IPs in residential address spaces. Most people have difficulty even getting a static IP address in the first place. Many are behind firewalls, NATs, or both, meaning that incoming connections of any kind are problematic.

Do you see what that means? It has weakened the whole point of the Internet being a network of peers. While IP still acts that way, as a practical matter, there are clients that are prevented from being servers by administrative policy they have no control over.

Imagine if you, a person with an Internet connection to your laptop or phone, could just decide to host a website, or a forum on it. For moderate levels of load, they are certainly capable of this. The only thing in the way is the network management policies you can't control.

Elaborate technologies exist to try to bridge this divide, and some, like Tor or Yggdrasil[10], can work quite well. More on this below.

10: /yggdrasil/

Expense of running something popular

Related to the loss of peer-to-peer infrastructure is the very high cost of hosting something popular. Do you want to share videos with lots of people? That almost certainly is going to require expensive equipment and bandwidth.

There is a reason that there are only a small handful of popular video streaming sites online. It requires a ton of money to host videos at scale.

What if it didn't? What if you could achieve economies of scale so much that you, an individual, could compete with the likes of YouTube? You wouldn't necessarily have to run ads to support the service. You wouldn't have to have billions of dollars or billions of viewers just to make it work.

This technology exists right now. Of course many of you are aware of how Bittorrent leverages the swarm for files. But projects like IPFS, Dat, and Peertube have taken this many steps further to integrate it into a global ecosystem. And, at least in the case of Peertube, this is a thing that works right now in any browser already!

Application-level “walled gardens”

I was recently startled at how much excitement there was when Github introduced “dark mode”. Yes, Github now offers two colors on its interface. Already back in the 80s and 90s, many DOS programs had more options than that.

Git is a decentralized protocol, but Github has managed to make it centralized.

Email[11] is a decentralized protocol --- pick your own provider, and they all communicate --- but Facebook and Twitter aren't. You can't just pick your provider for Facebook. It's Facebook or nothing, as with most big Social Media[12].

11: /email/

12: /social-media/

There is a profit motive in locking others out; these networks want to keep you using their platforms because their real customers are advertisers, and they want to keep showing you ads.

Is it possible to have a world where you get to pick your own app for sharing photos, and it works even if your parents use a different one? Yes, yes it is.

Mastodon[13] and the Fediverse[14] are fantastic examples for social media. Pixelfed is specifically designed for photos, Mastodon for short-form communication, there's Pleroma for more long-form communication, and they all work together. You can use Mastodon to read Pleroma content or look at Pixelfed photos, and there are many (free) providers of each.

13: /mastodon/

14: /fediverse/

Freedom from manipulation

I wrote about the dangers of the attention economy[15], so I won't go into a lot of detail here. Fundamentally, you are not the customer of Facebook or Google; advertisers are. They optimize their site to keep you on it as much as possible so that they can show you as many ads as possible which makes them as much money as possible. Ads, of course, are fundamentally seeking to manipulate your behavior (“buy this product”).

15: /how-the-attention-economy-hurts-you-via-social-media-sites-like-facebook/

By lowering the cost of running services, we can give a huge boost to hobbyists and nonprofits that want to do so without an ultimate profit motive. For-profit companies benefit also, with a dramatically reduced cost structure that frees them to pursue their mission instead of so many ads, casting off the Attention Economy[16].

16: /attention-economy/

Freedom from snooping (privacy and anonymity)

These days, it's not just government snooping that people think about. It's data stolen by malware, spies at corporations (whether human or algorithmic), and even things like basic Privacy[17] of one's own security footage. Here the picture is improving; encryption in transit, at least at a basic level, has become much more common with TLS being a standard these days. Sadly, end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is not nearly as much, perhaps because corporations have a profit motive to have access to your plaintext and metadata.

17: /privacy/

Closely related to privacy is *anonymity*: that is, being able to do things in an anonymous fashion. The two are not necessarily equal: you could send an encrypted message but reveal who the correspondents are, as with email; or, you could send a plaintext message over a Tor exit node that hides who the correspondents are. It is sometimes difficult to achieve both.

Nevertheless, numerous answers exist here that tackle one or both problems, from the Signal messenger to Tor.

Solutions That Exist Today

Let's dive in to some of the things that exist today.

One concept you'll see in many of these is integrated encryption with public keys used for addressing. In other words, your public key is akin to an IP address (and in some cases, is literally your IP address.)

Data link and networking technologies (some including P2P)

18: /lora/


20: /meshtastic/

21: /mesh-network/


23: /xbee-sx/



26: /nncp/

27: /uucp/

28: /email/



31: /yggdrasil/







38: /easily-accessing-all-your-stuff-with-a-zero-trust-mesh-vpn/

P2P Infrastructure

While some of the technologies above, such as cjdns, explicitly facilitate peer-to-peer communication, there are some other application-level technologies to look at.





43: /syncthing/



Instant Messengers and Chat

I won't go into a lot of detail here since I recently wrote a roundup of secure mesh messengers[46] and also a followup article about Signal and some hidden drawbacks of P2P[47]. Please refer to those articles for some interesting things that are happening in this space.



Matrix[48] is a distributed IM platform similar in concept to Slack or IRC, but globally distributed in a mesh. It supports optional E2EE.


49: /social-media/

Social Media[49]

I wrote recently about How to Join the Fediverse[50], which covered joining Mastodon[51], a federeated, decentralized social network. Mastodon is the largest of these, with several million users, and is something of a much nicer version of Twitter.

50: /how-to-join-the-fediverse-and-cast-off-the-attention-economy/

51: /mastodon/

Mastodon is also part of what is known as the “Fediverse[52]”, which are applications that are loosely joined together by their support of the ActivityPub protocol. Other popular Fediverse applications include Pixelfed[53] (similar to Instagram) and Peertube[54] for sharing video. Peertube is particularly interesting in that it supports Webtorrent for efficiently distributing popular videos. Webtorrent is akin to Bittorrent running efficiently inside your browser.

52: /fediverse/



Concluding Remarks

Part of my goal with this is encouraging people to dream big, to ask questions like:

What could you do if offline were easy?

What is possible if you have freedom in the physical and data link layers? Dream big.

We're so used to thinking that it's quite difficult for two devices on the Internet to talk to each other. What would be possible if this were actually quite easy?

The assumption that costs rise dramatically as popularity increases is also baked into our thought processes. What if that weren't the case --- could you take on Youtube from your garage? Would lowering barriers to entry lower the ad economy and let nonprofits have more equal footing with large corporations?

We have so many walled gardens, from Github to Facebook, that we almost forget it doesn't have to be that way.

So having asked these questions, my secondary point is to suggest that these aren't pie-in-the-sky notions. These possibilites are with us right now.

You'll notice from this list that virtually every one of these technologies is ad-free at its heart (though some would be capable of serving ads). They give you back your attention. Many preserve privacy, anonymity, or both. Many dramatically improve your freedom of association and communication. Technologies like IPFS and Bittorrent ease the burden of running something popular.

Some are quite easy to use (Mastodon or Peertube) while others are much more complex (libp2p or the lower-level mesh network systems).

Clearly there is still room for improvement in many areas.

But my fundamental point is this: good technology is here, right now. Technical people can vote with their feet and wallets and start using it. Early adopters will help guide the way for the next set of improvements. Join us!


Links to this note

55: /easily-accessing-all-your-stuff-with-a-zero-trust-mesh-vpn/

Probably everyone is familiar with a regular VPN. The traditional use case is to connect to a corporate or home network from a remote location, and access services as if you were there.

56: /attention-economy/

Profiting from convincing (or, perhaps more accurately, "manipulating") people to pay attention. Big Social Media[57] sites like Facebook are part of the attention economy: you pay nothing to use the site. In fact, you are the product; they sell your attention to advertisers, and therefore design their product to maximize their profits by manipulating you to spend more time on the site[58].

57: /social-media/

58: /how-the-attention-economy-hurts-you-via-social-media-sites-like-facebook/

59: /interesting-topics/

Here are some (potentially) interesting topics you can find here:

60: /yggdrasil/

Yggdrasil is a Mesh Network[61] that is fully Encrypted[62] and provides an IPv6 IP on the network to anyone.

61: /mesh-network/

62: /encrypted/

63: /nncp/

NNCP lets you securely send files, or request remote execution, between systems. It uses asynchronous communication[64], so the source and destination need never be online simultaneously. NNCP can route requests via intermediate devices -- other NNCP nodes, USB sticks, tapes, radios, phones, cloud services, whatever -- leading to a network that is highly resilient and flexible. NNCP makes it much easier to communicate with devices that lack Internet connectivity, or have poor Internet.

64: /asynchronous-communication/

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