The beginning of the lost weekends

It has begun. Its football season and that means the loss of Sunday. While I do watch a fair amount of games over the entire season, this is the point when it starts getting dark early and a mid day game or errand may end up eating all the daylight left. Getting the family motivated to do anything at that point is a struggle.

I live out of network for most of the teams I watch so I often have to listen to them on the radio. I've actually been a big radio sports person, growing up listening to Mr. Baseball (Bob Uecker) call the games late at night. Same goes for football with the Packers and basketball with the Bucks. Now that we live in Minnesota I've picked up hockey as well. An earbud in while I do chores is how I consume the majority of sports these days.

On the bright side, with the darkness coming earlier and the kids in bed sooner, I am able to get on my amateur radio more. Sadly looking at my log book its been since December of last year when I last was on. With the way things have been around here I don't know how much time I'll actually get on the radio.

$ published: 2022-09-11 19:12 $

$ tags: life $

-- CC-BY-4.0 jecxjo 2022-09-11


