
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a starter town? / たとえばラストダンジョン前の村の少年が序盤の街で暮らすような物語

Surely “Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies moved to a starter town?” wins this season's price for the anime with the most stupid title — and the Japanese title isn't any more intelligent either.

Worse, the story's hero, Lloyd, the kid from the last donjon, isn't much more intelligent, either. In fact, he's as naive as he's strong — more so, probably. He's so naive as to make Shirô Emiya appear like a hard hitting cynic. Other than that he's self-effacing, friendly, an excellent cook, well-versed in highly advanced magic, noble, and completely lacking self-awareness.

Lloyd comes from a legendary village off the charts of his world's map, a village that somehow reminds me of Asterix' village of slightly mad heroes. Just that the role of the village chief is played by Aruka, the village's mayor and immortal magician in one.

Much of the story is driven by Lloyd's dream to become a brave soldier in the king's army, inspired by his reading romantic adventure stories as a kid. So, he sets off to the royal capital of Azami and settles in with Aruka's former pupil, Marie. Throughout the story he remains blissfully unaware on how much stronger he is then anybody else outside his native village.

In typical harem fashion Lloyd is surrounded by a bunch of women who're all doting on him. Right on his first day he liberates Selen from her course, and Selen's infatuation is also the only one sort-of motivated in the show. The other girls' fascination for the guy remains a mystery to me, especially those of Aruka and Marie, who are portrayed as having more common sense in their little finger than the hero in his whole body.

Personally, I got bored by Lloyd's naivety and lack of character development, and found the story line to be mostly forgettable. However, I enjoyed the anime's feel-good vibe with its bright colours and springy music, and that's not a bad thing in these grey days. So, if you feel inspired by the opening song and are looking for a mindless, overall child-friendly and at times amusing show, you won't go too wrong. In all other cases I don't think you'll be missing much.

Official homepage

Opening song

P. S.: One day I hope to add a comment system to the log. Until then, please feel free to share your comments on Mastodon, where you can reach me under
