
Bakemonogatari: Tsubasa Cat (2) / 化物語: つばさキャット

If last week's post was dedicated to Bakemonogatari's Moyoi Snail arc, this week I'd just like to have a look at a single episode, episode 12. This episode is formally a part of the Tsubasa Cat arc, but actually quite independent, with Tsubasa being mentioned only once. Instead, it is the first time since the first two episodes that our focus is directed almost exclusively on Hitagi and Koyomi. The only other person really playing a role is Hitagi's father.

To recap - at the end of Moyoi Snail Hitagi had asked Koyomi to become her boyfriend, and he had accepted her proposal, with a mutual commitment to get to know each other better. Since then Hitagi, who's by far the better student, had coached Koyomi for the upcoming exams. Koyomi, who before hadn't been a model student, in turn took the effort to study seriously - and, as we learn in this episode, with quite some success.

The episode starts out with the couple on a bench in the school yard, sharing lunch. Suddenly, Hitagi asks her boyfriend out. He's to come to her house after school. Surprised, but also glad Koyomi accepts, and this June 13th would become their first ever real date.

At that point the anime uses its opening song, staple, staple, to bridge back to the Hitagi crab arc - one characteristic of Bakemonogatari is that each arc has its own opening song, with staple staple being emong my personal favourites.

Impatient, though slightly late, Koyomi arrives at Hitagi's house, just to find himself pushed onto the backbench of a car alongside Hitagi with her silent father, whom he hadn't met before, in the driver's seat. A long, awkward drive into the unknown ensues.

What follows may again be one of the most mature description of a date I know of. The dialogue between Hitagi and Koyomi during the car trip in the silent presence of Hitagi's father is rhetoric fireworks, with a conversation on multiple levels. The conversation itself is interspersed with characteristic tableaux of Kanji that build yet another level of meaning. For all the fireworks, the exchange are also very serious - why do you love me? Why do we love? How are perceived by others?

Once arrived on a dark parking seemingly in nowhere Hitagi jumps out of the car and dashes off into the adjacent forest, leaving Koyomi alone with her father in the car. And suddenly her father starts to speak - speak about his relationship with his daughter, about his unhealthy obsession for work, about Hitagi's difficult youth, but also about his deep love for his daughter and his absolute trust in her and her choices in all matters. He is grateful for his daughter's happiness since meeting Koyomi and implicitly welcomes him into the family. The rather rebellious Koyomi reciprocates - the dialogue ends on his calling him father. I'm sure this dialogue resonates with any father, perhaps with any parent.

Hitagi reappears and drags Koyomi into the forest. I won't spoil what follows - sheer poetry. Not always easy poetry, but poetry nonetheless.

Bakemonogatari — Japanese website

Bakemonogatari — English website

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