Looking for collaborators with Hispagatos for CTP games

Capture the Flag Games!

yes you hear well... have this in mind for some time, and looking for

collaboratos in Boston and Barcelona to start brainstorming CTP competitions at first locally

then between city's..

For this to be a reality we will need some help on both cities, it really does not

take much, to make it short, we will meetup online(IRC) discuss ideas, places(hacker/makers spaces)

were we could create such events, rules and other related topics.

For more info and to voluntier please email cfernandezlinux AATT gmail DDOOTT com


Chris Fernandez



← Newer: The Day we Fight Back

→ Older: Old BinaryFreedom and IFSA email archives

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Hispagatos is an Anarcho Hacker collective[1] that resolves around the Hacker ethic[2] of Steven levy and Libertarian Socialism ideas.

We work hard to preserve hacker culture, decentralization,security and privacy in cyberspace and also motivate towards an horizontal and non hierarchical techno-anarcho-communist society (TACS) where technology is made by people for the people not by corporate masters to control people. a(A)a

1: Anarcho Hacker collective

2: Hacker Ethic

3: Libertarian Socialism

[donate using LiberaPay](https://liberapay.com/Hispagatos/donate)
