Entrar al nodo Hispagatos de Matrix con Gomuks / Join the Hispagatos Matrix node with Gomuks


Entrar al nodo Hispagatos de Matrix [12] #3 con Gomuks [13] #4

Mini howto para instalar Gomuks y acceder a Hispagatos Matrix. Para más información, RTFM [14] #5


Gestor de paquetes (recomendado)

+ Arch Linux (AUR): gomuks [15] #6 and gomuks-git [16] #7

+ NixOS: gomuks [17] #8

+ OpenSUSE (OBS): home:albino:matrix/gomuks [18] #9

+ Alpine Linux (testing): gomuks [19] #10

Compilar del código fuente (solo si quiere ayudar con el desarrollo y sabe lo que está haciendo)

Ahora, para poder correrlo donde quieras, tendrás que añadir __$GOPATH/bin__ o __$HOME/go/bin__ a __$PATH__ en ```~/.profile``` para Bash o

export PATH=...:$GOPATH/bin


export PATH=...:$HOME/go/bin

### Crear cuenta

Si no tienes una cuenta, sigue este howto [20] #11 para crearla.

### Entrar a Hispagatos

Username: @:hispagatos.org


Homeserver: https://matrix.hispagatos.org

Pulsa *login*, ve al canal de #hispagatos y preséntate con un

/rainbow iiiiiiiiiie

Happy Hacking. Deuses.

# English

# Join the Hispagatos Matrix [12] #3 node with Gomuks [13] #4
Mini howto to install Gomuks and join in Hispagatos Matrix. For more information, RTFM [14] #5

### Install

### Distribution package (recommended)

+ Arch Linux (AUR): gomuks [15] #6 and gomuks-git [16] #7
+ NixOS: gomuks [17] #8
+ OpenSUSE (OBS): home:albino:matrix/gomuks [18] #9
+ Alpine Linux (testing): gomuks [19] #10

### Compiling from the source code (only for help with the development and you know what are you doing)

* Install Go 1.13 or higher and ```libolm``` for encrypt the messages.
* Clone the repo: ```git clone https://github.com/tulir/gomuks.git```.
* Enter in the directory and do ```go install``` to install it in your __$GOPATH/bin__ or __$HOME/go/bin__ by default.

Now, to be able to run wherever you want, you will have to add your __$GOPATH/bin__ or __$HOME/go/bin__ to __$PATH__ in ```~/.profile``` 
for Bash or ```~/.zshenv``` for Zsh like this:

export PATH=...:$GOPATH/bin


export PATH=...:$HOME/go/bin

### Create account

If you don't have an account, follow this howto [20] #11 (it is in spanish but it is easy to understand) to create it.

### Join in Hispagatos

Username: @:hispagatos.org


Homeserver: https://matrix.hispagatos.org

Press *login*, go to #hispagatos channel and introduce yourself with

/rainbow iiiiiiiiiie

Happy Hacking. Deuses.

# Links
## Hispagatos

* Hispagatos blog [21]
* Hispagatos hub [22]
* Hispagatos lemmy [23]
* Hackerñol lbry [24]
* Hackerñol bittube [25]
* Hackstory [26]
* Rek2 mastodon [27]
* Rek2 keybase [28]
* Rek2 bittube [29]
* t1b0 mastodon [30]
* t1b0 keybase [31]
* sigma0100 mastodon [32]
* sigma0100 keybase [33]
* MegageM mastodon [34]
* MegageM keybase [35]
* MegageM bittube [36]
* real-changeling mastodon [37]
* real-changeling keybase [38]
* Killab33z keybase [39]
* Killab33z mastodon [40]

## The movement

* Anarcho Hackers Wiki ESP [41]
* Anarcho Hackers Wiki [42]
* Manifiesto Anarco Hacker ESP [43]
* Anarcho Hackers Manifesto 2018 [44]
* Anarcho\_hackers lemmy [45]
* Hackbloc lemmy [46]
* La Ética Hacker ESP [47]
* Guerilla Open Access Manifesto ESP [48]
* The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier [49]
* Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution [50]
* Libertarian Socialism [51]
* Anti-Authoriarianism [52]
* Anarcho-Communism [53]

Sobre Hispagatos:  
Trabajamos duro para preservar la descentralización, seguridad y privacidad en el ciberespacio y motivar una sociedad tecno anarco comunista (STAC), horizontal y no jerarquizada donde la tecnología es hecha por personas para personas y no por corporaciones para controlar personas. a(A)a

About Hispagatos:  
We work hard to preserve decentralization,security and privacy in cyberspace and motivate towars an horizontal and non hierarchical techno-anarcho-communist society (TACS) where technology is made by people for the people not by corporate masters to control people. a(A)a

## References

=> #español [1] Español (#español)
=> #english [2] English (#english)
=> https://matrix.org/ [3] Matrix (https://matrix.org/)
=> https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/gomuks [4] Gomuks (https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/gomuks)
=> https://github.com/tulir/gomuks/wiki [5] RTFM (https://github.com/tulir/gomuks/wiki)
=> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks [6] gomuks (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks)
=> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks-git [7] gomuks-git (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks-git)
=> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/gomuks/default.nix [8] gomuks (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/gomuks/default.nix)
=> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:albino:matrix/gomuks [9] home:albino:matrix/gomuks (https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:albino:matrix/gomuks)
=> https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=gomuks&branch=edge [10] gomuks (https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=gomuks&branch=edge)
=> https://hispagatos.org/post/howto_matrix-riot/ [11] howto (https://hispagatos.org/post/howto_matrix-riot/)
=> https://matrix.org/ [12] Matrix (https://matrix.org/)
=> https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/gomuks [13] Gomuks (https://matrix.org/docs/projects/client/gomuks)
=> https://github.com/tulir/gomuks/wiki [14] RTFM (https://github.com/tulir/gomuks/wiki)
=> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks [15] gomuks (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks)
=> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks-git [16] gomuks-git (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gomuks-git)
=> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/gomuks/default.nix [17] gomuks (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/gomuks/default.nix)
=> https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:albino:matrix/gomuks [18] home:albino:matrix/gomuks (https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:albino:matrix/gomuks)
=> https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=gomuks&branch=edge [19] gomuks (https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=gomuks&branch=edge)
=> https://hispagatos.org/post/howto_matrix-riot/ [20] howto (https://hispagatos.org/post/howto_matrix-riot/)
=> https://hispagatos.org [21] Hispagatos blog (https://hispagatos.org)
=> https://hubs.mozilla.com/zWXK8U6/hispagatos/ [22] Hispagatos hub (https://hubs.mozilla.com/zWXK8U6/hispagatos/)
=> https://dev.lemmy.ml/c/hispagatos [23] Hispagatos lemmy (https://dev.lemmy.ml/c/hispagatos)
=> https://open.lbry.com/@Hackernol:7 [24] Hackerñol lbry (https://open.lbry.com/@Hackernol:7)
=> https://bittube.video/video-channels/hackernol/ [25] Hackerñol bittube (https://bittube.video/video-channels/hackernol/)
=> https://www.hackstory.net/BBK [26] Hackstory (https://www.hackstory.net/BBK)
=> https://hispagatos.space/@rek2 [27] Rek2 mastodon (https://hispagatos.space/@rek2)
=> https://keybase.io/rek2 [28] Rek2 keybase (https://keybase.io/rek2)
=> https://bittube.video/accounts/rek2 [29] Rek2 bittube (https://bittube.video/accounts/rek2)
=> https://hispagatos.space/@_1b0 [30] t1b0 mastodon (https://hispagatos.space/@_1b0)
=> https://keybase.io/t1b0 [31] t1b0 keybase (https://keybase.io/t1b0)
=> https://hispagatos.space/@sigma4 [32] sigma0100 mastodon (https://hispagatos.space/@sigma4)
=> https://keybase.io/sigma0100 [33] sigma0100 keybase (https://keybase.io/sigma0100)
=> https://hispagatos.space/@MegxgeM [34] MegageM mastodon (https://hispagatos.space/@MegxgeM)
=> https://keybase.io/mggm [35] MegageM keybase (https://keybase.io/mggm)
=> https://bittube.video/accounts/ [36] MegageM bittube (https://bittube.video/accounts/)
=> https://deadinsi.de/@forAll52 [37] real-changeling mastodon (https://deadinsi.de/@forAll52)
=> https://keybase.io/realchangeling [38] real-changeling keybase (https://keybase.io/realchangeling)
=> https://keybase.io/killab33z [39] Killab33z keybase (https://keybase.io/killab33z)
=> https://hispagatos.space/@Killab33z_OG [40] Killab33z mastodon (https://hispagatos.space/@Killab33z_OG)
=> https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Anarcohackers [41] Anarcho Hackers Wiki ESP (https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Anarcohackers)
=> https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Anarchisthackers/ [42] Anarcho Hackers Wiki (https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Anarchisthackers/)
=> https://hispagatos.org/post/traduccionmanifiestoanarcohacker/ [43] Manifiesto Anarco Hacker ESP (https://hispagatos.org/post/traduccionmanifiestoanarcohacker/)
=> https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarchohacker-manifesto-2018 [44] Anarcho Hackers Manifesto 2018 (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarchohacker-manifesto-2018)
=> https://dev.lemmy.ml/c/anarcho_hackers [45] Anarcho\_hackers lemmy (https://dev.lemmy.ml/c/anarcho_hackers)
=> https://dev.lemmy.ml/c/hackbloc [46] Hackbloc lemmy (https://dev.lemmy.ml/c/hackbloc)
=> https://hispagatos.org/post/la_etica_hacker/ [47] La Ética Hacker ESP (https://hispagatos.org/post/la_etica_hacker/)
=> https://hispagatos.org/post/guerilla-open-access-manifesto/ [48] Guerilla Open Access Manifesto ESP (https://hispagatos.org/post/guerilla-open-access-manifesto/)
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hacker_Crackdown [49] The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hacker_Crackdown)
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackers:_Heroes_of_the_Computer_Revolution [50] Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackers:_Heroes_of_the_Computer_Revolution)
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism [51] Libertarian Socialism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism)
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-authoritarianism [52] Anti-Authoriarianism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-authoritarianism)
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-communism [53] Anarcho-Communism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-communism)

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