Hybrid Shadows, Chapter 3 started on Gemini


It has been forever and day since I've posted updates to my Hybrid Shadows story, my sci-fi story about a girl who, unlike all her peers, does not have any tech in her body - the lone "non-hybrid" in a world of hybrids, or cyborgs! She struggles on a colony planet to be accepted, but at the same time, the planet impedes much of the technology the colonists brought with them. This makes those who are "low technology", or full non-hybrids, much more important.

Like my Cosmic Voyage story, Lantashi Dance, I am going to start uploading what I have to my capsule, chapters, scenes, etc whether they are completed or not. (only completed posts will go to Cosmic Voyage itself though!) I will work on my Hybrid Shadow scenes in the open, as well as showing locations, plots, stuff like that!

I am going to be doing a lot of my world building for different stories right here on Gemini.

I am rearranging my stories to show these different parts (the chapters, plots, notes, characters...), including Hybrid Shadows.

I've uploaded a lot of Chapter 3 now, even though there is still a lot more work to go!

Hybrid Shadows, Chapter 3, Mission to the Rim

Why the Change?

I love the process of writing, and I actually have a lot of this story done. Just, well, just not in order. I have whole chapters that need to be written, and I have whole chapters that are pretty far along.

I like writing, but I'm not always the most organized Sylvan. I jump from this story, to that one, back and forth. I want to share more of what I have, even if it isn't ready yet. If you watch the different stories closely, you will see edits taking place, scenes being filled in, characters being fleshed out, plots being described!

Hopefully in the coming days and weeks (especially my vacation!) I get a lot more of this story posted, along with some of the others I've been working on.

More to come!



Hybrid Shadows

Lantashi Dance (Cosmic Voyage story)

Lantashi Files, main section

Email: lantashi [at] protonmail [dot] com
