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Welcome to makeworld's Gemini site!

It's been around since May 19, 2020.

I am no longer very interested in Gemini, so this capsule won't see much activity.

Other users



If you want to get an account, come meet me IRL ;)

Personal Pages

Gemlog - with likes and comments!

My collection of Bash/Zsh one-liners, because they're fun.

Site and server stats.

My Web site

Other pages

Amfora's Wiki

Gemini IRC logs

Graphs of GUS historical data

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

My Gemini software

Amfora, a fancy terminal browser for Gemini.

gemget, a Gemini downloader.

Check out LEO!

LEO is an Orbit -- a webring for geminispace.

About LEO

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All works on this site created by me are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. They may not be used for commercial purposes.
