Midnight Pub

The chickadee


When I moved in with my him, his daughter was one and a half. Between the daycare and her mom who took her half the time, she wasn't there much, but I cherished it. Time seemed lighter when she had left her trail of joy in the appartment.

It was healing. More than I realized then.

She's a teenager now. Could I ever thank her for the good she did to me as a baby?

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~tetris wrote:

I think she won't really understand what you mean until she's in her thirties. You can try telling her now, but I don't think that as a teenager she'll understand and might think you're being weird.

Babies are magical. So much love, so much potential. A mind being taught the beauty of the world right there in front of you. Really helps you believe in things again

~inquiry wrote (thread):

Probably not enough. But I suspect trying would be much more fulfilling than being online.
