Midnight Pub

Attempted Coup


The U.S. has an attempted coup in process. That is something I never thought I'd see.

I hope the Midnight (and everyone in it) is safely distant from the U.S. Capitol.

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~contrarian wrote:

Coming back over a year later and can't say things have gotten better.

~shufei wrote (thread):

Hold loved ones close. Make friends of neighbours. No matter how distant from DC, and in the USA or not, we are all going to be affected by this, whatever comes.

~oracle wrote (thread):

I've been watching the news coverage tonight as they try and get Biden formally over the last hurdle despite the five hour delay brought on by the coup attempt.

On the one hand, I suppose it's for the best that they not let the violence we saw earlier disrupt the proceedings. There's something to that. A show of strength, of refusal to be cowed.

It is also incredibly disorienting to see them go about business as usual with no nod at all to the fact that our sitting president is very much still trying to unmoor our democracy.

There's no telling what the next few days will bring, but I fear if we don't address this head on we'll have hell to pay sooner rather than later.

~ns wrote:

I'm located in DC, a healthy 3 miles away thankfully. If it wasn't for the news and curfew notification on my phone I'd have thought it any other normal day.

~inquiry wrote:

I'm one of the lucky ones safe and delightfully giddy in a chair at this

fantastic table.

~starbreaker wrote (thread):

I'm well away, but this is fucking insane. Trump and the GOP need to be made to pay dearly for this, because they made this idiocy possible.
