Midnight Pub

Midnight Poll III


What does your typical day look like?

Do you ever get bored?

How do you get through?

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~locha wrote (thread):

What does your typical day look like?

Get up, get baby up, make breakfast & coffee, get her ready for the day (my partner takes her to daycare). Either drive to work or open my laptop, have a day of work, then be ready for when my parents bring baby home. Play a bit, perhaps take her to the park, make dinner, eat dinner, clean up a bit while my partner gives her the bath, put baby to sleep, clerical/computer chores (chores that don't make noise), dishes/cleaning, goofing around till way too late, go to sleep.

Do you ever get bored?

Yes. Work is tedious these days. And the lack of sleep makes me lack attention, which can make anything boring.

How do you get through?

I have an amazing relationship with my baby. Gives me so much oxytocin ♥.

~alextheuxguy wrote (thread):

What does your typical day look like?

Wake up around 7am and either make breakfast or bike/drive to a coffee shop. Sit in meetings for 6-9 hours. Spend time with the wife and kid after work, usually biking, going out to eat or just walking around the neighborhood.

Do you ever get bored?

Yeah, I mean it's a pretty routine suburban life. I struggled a lot with the wake->eat->work->eat->sleep routine out of college, I still do a bit, but I've grown more numb to it.

How do you get through?

Weekends (if I have any energy left). Wife and I have started doing a 24 mile bike ride to a cafe in the next town over on Saturdays. Then we fill the rest of the time with other fun things, or just resting around the house.

It's also important to plan stuff so you have something to look forward to, helps you get through the trudge of the work day. This weekend we are going to watch Indycar in Indianapolis. Got the tickets months ago, been looking forward to it every day since.

~inquiry wrote (thread):

What does your typical day look like?

Awaken, address bodily matters, see what's posted to Antenna, see if there's anything new on bookmarked gemlogs, eventually start coffee in time for my wife to awaken, chat with her over coffee, watch "coffee with Scott Adams" (or whatever it's actually called) together on YouTube, eat, digest, get busy with what needs to get done. That tends to be yard/house work, but might be song rehearsal (we're a performance duo that sometimes includes others), might be grandchild babysitting (infrequently, mostly when the parents get in unexpected binds)... eventually it's dinner time, drinks, things of interest to watch whilst getting whatever level of slosh necessary to address 60+ year old bodily pain (not to mention to have giggly fun), drift off to sleep.

Do you ever get bored?

In what I wrote above, mostly when my wife is elsewhere.

But then when we're being social, it's when others are talking like hypnotized automatons mostly about themselves and/or other topics not unlike "the weather".

How do you get through?

If you're in vi(m) or something with similar keybindings, do some '?drinks'.....

But every now and then I remember that life is but a dream, especially the "I'm an individual" part, and following awareness back to its source turns things degrees of disinterested humor.
