Midnight Pub

Did I dream that movie?


I keep reminiscing of an anime movie that I would have seen as a teen or young adult (so, early 2000s?). It's set in a city where something like half the population is actually robots (or maybe genetically modified humans?). Those robots play various roles in society, but their main thing is that they are kind of a buffer for humans' emotional outbursts. They mediate some relationships, massage some egos, generally make people feel better, and it makes that society work really well.

I just thought it was such a nice concept. I think it represented a role often given to women and underlings in the family and at work, but there's also been at least one study of a firm who used ChatGPT in a similar role at a service center (ChatGPT's just super good at pacifying a conversation).

Anyway, anyone remembers that movie?

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~ralfwause wrote (thread):

Well, this sounds like "Appleseed" to me...
