Midnight Pub



All that's been on my mind today is how unfair it is that we're not all equal in this world... It's just crazy that our entire path in life is all down to a big game of chance. What if instead of being here, writing this post, I was wondering where my next meal was coming from. There's what, 7 billion people in the world right now? How many of them even have access to what I'm saying here?

We take far too much for granted as a country, I know that. Everybody surrounding me on a daily basis is only complaining about the weather and other assorted minor inconveniences, and all I can think (at least in this state) is how immensely privileged they are to even try to pretend that they have a difficult life in the slightest.

All we do is mess things up for the people lower than us in the economic and social ladder. Most of the time it's not even intentional, but everything we do has unimaginable consequences when you see it on a large scale. What I'm thinking about right now is that, a good number of years ago, the thing that even made me start to think about social issues, climate change, etc. was the inside notes on Jamiroquais (how do those things " ' " work?) first album. Not only holding some banger tracks, that sleeve also held the key to my current political viewpoints. Crazy.

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but I like the people on this site. Very nice people. Second set of apologies if I'm a tad bit incoherent, I only smoked one blunt, I swear ;)

Jah bless!

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~ew wrote:


Even if we all start at exactly the same position (good luck defining "same" btw), a few moments on in time this cohort will have dispersed. Example: I took upon me an education at university ending in a doctorate degree. And for a long time I thought, anyone can do this. Short answer: no. Addendum: And no one is obligated to either.

I would rather encourage you to find your special skills and views, your imagination and the "thing that keeps you going on". Then practice your skill for your personal well being and some good for others along the way.

~monpetit wrote:

I was wondering where I could smell so much smoking, and it was in this room! :)

~commence2897 wrote:

i can't speak for everyone of my socioeconomic class, but folks above me on whatever scale are the last thing on my mind until they directly impact my life, or the lives of folks who are in bad circumstances. i don't wish folks more privileged than i any ill; i'd rather folks be comfortable enough in their own lives that they might be persuaded to learn and support others through something like mutual aid, same way as i try to at my status. i've found that things like equality are pretty nuanced and complicated, and even moreso subjective, which sucks.
