Midnight Pub

Life is _____


I don't know what to say that hasn't been said already. Everyone already knows life is hard, but sometimes I don't think even words can describe the borderline confusion you get when you step onto that yellow brick road called Life. Do people just live life without questioning every single thing?

Am I insane for thinking that it's weird that no one wants to share that they don't know anything at all and are just pretending they do?

Where are we? Are we really okay with just floating in space on top of a giant rock?

Why is life considered mundane when almost everything here doesn't make any sense?

Human interactions are just a series of chess matches where one person is trying to understand the best course of action without falling flat on their face, but most "normal" people say it's more than that. I don't know, maybe it is. It certainly doesn't feel that way if what I'm doing is somehow "wrong"

What is normal anyways? Is it just a status quo some people made up one day and were loud enough to gaslight other people into thinking that it's supposed to be that way? If so when did it become everything?

Life is...

I don't know what it is, but it certainly doesn't make any sense. It's hard yes, but it's definitely more than just that single word. Weird, huh?

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~mendeleev wrote:

No you're not insane. Or maybe we're both insane together :)

Now take what you will but I'm just giving you my two cents.

Life, the Universe and Everything is one big very highly unlikely event that somehow happened.

So the only thing that one can do is to experience this weird, fantastical, depressing, wonderful implausibility as much as we can.

Definitely very weird. But that's why it's fun!

~george wrote:

(edit: kinda replying to you as if I didn't reply to your previous post because I don't pay enough attention to usernames!)

You have noticed! Good job.

Many people go right through life without questioning anything. They work hard a school, get good grades, get a job, progress, get married, have kids, go on foreign holidays, work until retirement and then... oh crap... what was it all about?

Maybe check out Alan Watts' talk on "Life Is Not A Journey". I found that fascinating (especially given the recent post on here about art, too)...

You are correct. NOBODY knows what they're doing. I've found that the ones who claim they do are the biggest liars.

Society, and "normal" are fascinating.... as lili over on bearblog put it: "The rules of society are arbitrary, something that becomes clear when you travel enough." It's so true. Go see a large number of 'normals' and you suddenly question the one _you_ were brought up in.

This questioning makes life harder for sure, but for me it feeds my soul. I don't know any other way to live.

I don't know what point I'm making really (because, like everyone else, I have no idea what I'm doing)... maybe I just want to let you know you've been seen and heard and no, you're not crazy!

~memer wrote:

I'm of the belief that life is what you make of it, yet what people don't realize is how big of a burden that is to shape your life into what you wish.

You're not weird, and you're certainly more aware than most people I've met, life is hard, but make do with what you have and you'll push through <3

~theoddballphilosopher wrote:

You're not insane. Sometimes I think that way as well.

We're more than just floating in space on top of a giant rock, we're a part of something greater; the cosmos.

Sometimes people tend to make things more complicated than they need to be.

Normal is subjective, but forcing someone to act normal is nothing more than an act of assimilation.

Life is. It simply is.
