Midnight Pub

We don't have any power




Stuff is so messed up.

But today I want to really talk about governments so anyone who doesn't want to talk politics, no hard feelings feel free to just close this.

I'm going to be voting for the first time this year in my countries General Elections (India) and I've been catching up on the politics. The more I learn the more I am disheartened. No one is ideal, I expected that much, but people somehow seem to be fine with the situation? They cling to their flawed leaders so tightly that no amount of rational criticism seems to faze them. And I'm not even talking about people I don't know, my dad - a person I consider to be very rational is like this too.

Am I the only one who does not see a single leader who I believe has the will and the skills and the qualities to lead us into a better future? I sure hope not. Either people are too emotional to cut through the noise or my inexperienced, underdeveloped brain is missing something.

The thing is, even if we recognise this dismal state of affairs, we cannot do anything. Democracies are government of the majority and individuals have no power if they cannot cut through the irrationality that current politics is built upon. We can try, but 99/100 times we will fail. The current democratic governments do the bare minimum to keep their people from revolting (which happens from time to time).

NOTE: Obviously I am generalising everything pretty heavily here but again - Democracy is the government of the majority.

Why can't we have leaders that can bring the Star Trek utopian future we all fantasise of? As of now though, I guess it's just pick the best of the worst.

~bartender what would you recommend I have. I want to try new things :)

So how are you all doing?

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~starbreaker wrote:

Why can't we have leaders that can bring the Star Trek utopian future we all fantasise of? As of now though, I guess it's just pick the best of the worst.

Maybe the problem is that we depend on "leaders" instead of relying on ourselves and each other?

~mosmelev wrote:

If you can rally more support than the opposition whether that be through charisma, backroom deals, compromises to gain support from other political powers, climbing the ladder in your party, and gaining the party's support...

Ultimately, these systems tend to prefer who can get the most political momentum/support rather than the most capable. Even if the leader is capable they won't be able to accomplish all of their vision because of the compromises they made or have to make in the future to keep or gain support, or simply because their vision is not realistically possible in the current situation of their country
