Midnight Pub



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~tffb wrote (thread):

weird, I formed a somewhat online/offline parody since leaving social media (took a couple years after having left, probably) to where I volunteer at clubhouse, online after - or - don't volunteer at all, stay home, online sparingly - or - at home, just not online. I came around to the concept/term AFK, which I didn't think I'd ever relate to much.

Nevertheless, the sound issue sounds shitty, which my best bud B probably could have helped with, as he has done pro sound checks/stagehand "gigging" for 20+ years, and goes between Kansas City, St Louis (where he's at) and Chicago a couple times a month, and he would have had it rigged up "listenable" in no time. Though he's there, doing that, you're there, doing that, so...ya know.

