Midnight Pub

Magic Well


A random dream from the other night.


We were staying at a barn house in a small town. It seemed as though most of the townsfolk had lived there for generations. Except for the owner of the place we were staying at. They've been there a while; moved there when they were younger. They were well into their 50s now. Everyone seems happy and content with their calm and isolated lives. No one seemed to worry about anything and everyone got along well enough. I don't recall it being a creepy or hostile neighborhood. It felt like somewhere in Latin America.

After spending some days in the house, we began to notice something was off with our hosts. They seemed determined to never leave this place. I can understand not wanting to move out of the place you call home. But they didn't even want to leave the town for more than an hour.

On top of that, there was something that I couldn't get out of my head. There was this well near the backdoor entrance that seemed old but still in use. Covered as to protect what was inside, not shut it off. I didn't pay much attention to it until I noticed our host using it regularly to shower themselves. They had modern piping and showers in the house. Why use the well water?

It wasn't until a few days later that I noticed the husband get hurt while doing some housework. His face was cut near an eyebrow. It was pretty deep. Right as I was about to suggest driving him to the hospital, he walk outside to the well, washed it off, and came back inside. There was no wound. No scars. As if nothing had happened.

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~indoors wrote (thread):

Wow what an excellent dream. Do you feel the well had sinister implications, or that it was just a mysterious secret? Every horror story adds a twist towards the end that the beneficial thing has a terrible cost, but maybe the well is just being kept a secret to prevent it being taken away.
