Midnight Pub

[[tch tch >>schkt >>[[tch tch]]>>schkt>> ting! the simple joy of typewriting ^¥^



i found an electric typewriter

it was at goodwill

really i'd been wanting a manual

an olympia sm9 portable, look at this beauty:



after the joy of typing on it at the test area

i said to myself if i can pop a cheap tag for it

i'll grab it


half off a $5.99 tag and i get a smith corona xl1500:


for $3.25!

i had to lug it on the bus accross town

but it was worth it

in the back of my head i was questioning it

why get an electric typewriter when i want a manual? and already have a laptop to write on?

but, really, it's the aesthetics of a typewritten page


and i get why some writers only use a typwwriter or old word processor (like george r r martin)

all you can do is write

no distractions

no opening a browser

or playing a game

just write

is all you can do

i plan to use it for



and typing up my zine

and eventually

that sm9 will be mine ^¥^


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~immy wrote (thread):

I had a typewriter myself and absolutely loved it, so much so that I eventually bought a Freewrite Traveller and later Alpha, which is basically a cloud connected typewriter. Honestly I have a strange fascination with eink devices that probably all stems from getting that initial typewriter.

~tffb wrote (thread):

the Brother typewriter I had in STL was bliss to type on. I wrote 75 pages in 3 weeks, I think. Just constant with the thing. :)

A Corona is nice, so is Olympia.

And +1 on the write-only laptop. I scoured for an Acer netbook not long ago to find a device for just writing. Found some, may still pick one up.

check The Roving Typist on VIMEO. weird little doc on him (whoever it is)

~detritus wrote (thread):

A typewriter would ~ w o n d e r f u l l y ~ match your style.

I tried getting the last word to show across the page the way you do, but I don't know how you manage. The trailing whitespace was omitted in the formatting.

And I hope you find a mechanical typewriter. My mother keep the one she used when she went to university. I spent many a night writing on it. I was amazed to find out that ink ribbons are still being sold to this day! Otherwise, well, I wouldn't have been able to do anything with it.

I am also inclined to the "old word processor" attitude. I have been putting this off, but I -I mean it this time!- am planning to install plan9 on my little laptop, which I will keep as a strictly offline device, and use the acme editor to ... write, write, write! The aesthetic of acme, and the fact that there is --NO WEB BROWSER-- amounts to the best possible computing experience, for me.

Some time ago I realized, the whole range of my needs in terms of structuring information is simple: a hierarchical filesystem (even FAT is good enough), and plaintext files (best done with UTF-8 because I use many languages!).

~inquiry wrote (thread):

I bought this Olympia in some shop while in college:


I absolutely loved it.

About a decade and a half later, a son and/or his friends wrecked it by forcing the carriage back and forth by hand when I was out somewhere.

There will never be forgiveness....
