Midnight Pub



So yeah dreams. Do you still remember them after waking up?

It's been a while since I had a dream. 2 months since my last one.

I tried journaling the dreams I had but after the first dream I wrote down no more came after. I feel like I used to dream more often.

The last dream I had was pretty strange but most of the dreams I partly remember were strange. In the last dream. I had my blood taken for a test there were more stuff happening but that's what stuck out the most.

I wonder how often other people dream or if they are aware that they are dreaming while in a dream.

Yeah that's all

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~immy wrote:

My relationship with dreams is very strange, I usually don't remember them but when I do remember them they're foggy and incoherent. When I keep a dream journal I can remember them more frequently but with no more clarity.

The other night I dreampt that I was in some sort of goverment experiment to mess with the senses, wild stuff.

~detritus wrote (thread):

I dream often. Almost every night. It's rare for me not to dream. Sometimes I don't remember the dreams, sometimes they are pretty plain, uneventful. I am in normal places doing regular stuff, I don't know. Just as often my dreams are more interesting. I have some recurring places in my dreams. I often dream I am in school. I used, for many years, to have recurring dreams about the subway. At some point I would notice I was dreaming once I found myself in the subway (not irl of course). Another recurring dream I had in the past was about trying to catch the bus to go outside the city, back to the town where my mother lives. This was a reflection of an actual, somewhat common event in my life at the time. Another recurring dream I used to have a lot was walking through the city in the dead of night, having to go through a particularly dark and scary neighbourhood.

I would often notice I was dreaming. A few times I tried to influence my dreams when this would happen, but later I stopped doing that, very often I realized I was dreaming and still went on with the dream, see where it would take me. Sometimes I would dream I was in some sort of danger or something, but knowing I was dreaming I didn't sweat it.

Last time I noticed I was dreaming I did try "flying", and so I jumped high and I was light as a feather, eventually I went out of the building I was in and soared through the clouds, but the rest of the city was "low res", as if my brain didn't care to load proper graphics for the rest of the world.

Now that I think of it, I've dreamed a bit often about sprinting about and it would always take me a while to hit the ground after each leap, as if I were running on the moon.

Yeah I do enjoy dreaming, and I do it a lot.

I also enjoy sleeping a lot.
