Midnight Pub

Carcosa, fading in and out of existence across the Lake of Hali


My internet presence, basically reduced to this pub for the last week, is now flickering uncertainly and hauntingly into existence. My servers are back up for email, XMPP, Matrix, and, as of this morning, Gemini (though not my feed aggregator).

That leaves "just" the web server, but what a mess /that/ is! My website has been nearly abandoned for some time, so that's no biggie, but much more important are my instances of NextCloud, Wallabag, and Jellyfin. Those are all going to be much harder to get up and running than just Apache, and also more affected by all the lost data.

I'm feeling kind of ghostly and insubstantial, but at least I'll be able to update my proper gemlog when I get home.

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~rosie88 wrote (thread):

How are things with you? Have things settled? Did you manage to sort out the internet blahs?
