Midnight Pub

Time to Think Slow Part 1


I've been wandering past this pub for weeks now as I visit a business down the street to help them with a short term project. My previous favorite pub had accumulated enough of an obnoxious crowd that it became unappealing to me, so I was on the lookout for a new favorite pub. The Midnight Pub looked unassuming, and thus interesting. Last week, I poked my head in briefly and it seemed like a comfortable place. Tonight is my first real visit to check it out.

It's the middle of the evening, and there's a light crowd which is exactly what I like - some background conversation - just enough. No large crowds, no obnoxious (or even background) music (though there is a jukebox, which is OK - that's real music). Perfect for me. Enough space to have a table to myself with no one at the adjacent tables. I'm not unsociable, it's just that there are just times I like "quiet thinking time" and I've found that when I can do that in a social setting like a nice pub, that works best.

Not knowing the protocol of this establishment I walk up to the bar. The friendly barkeeper asks "What will you have?" I reply "A porter, or something else that's dark and stout". The barkeeper says "Coming right up" then brings it to me in a mug. I reach for my wallet. The barkeeper says "It's a tradition here that your first drink is on the house." I say "Thank you, that's very kind", take my mug, and go to an unoccupied table.

There's just enough light for me to take out my notebook and write down the date and time. I sip my beverage - it's an excellent porter. Between the good beverage, the pleasant background buzz of conversation, and the comfortable seat, I know that some interesting things will come to mind in the next few hours (hence the notebook).

I think I'll like it here.

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~rosie88 wrote:

I was sitting down at the lounge area nearest the fireplace, which at this summer day is devoid of any fire. I take my whisky neat and begin to sip it, I am alone, introverted and relaxed so my eyes begin to dart here and there and everywhere as I am accustomed to and there I spot commgeek. I kept looking at him, I suspected he was a new person to the pub since I was familiar with the regulars, I see he makes eye contact and I take my glass whisky and with a smile I lift it and say, "Welcome to the pub, I hope to see you often. What brings you here?" I take another sip of my drink and begin to enjoy the late evening summer night at the one and only Midnight Pub.
