Midnight Pub




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~littlejohn wrote:

I think @inquiry was on to something there. I've become convinced that weekends pass so quickly because we spend five days a week wishing time away. Of course there's some inertia -- by the time we get used to not wanting time to just pass faster anymore, it's Sunday evening.

A few years ago, when I decided to go freelance and quit a very lousy corporate job, weekends would be gone in the blink of an eye. They're slower these days, but certainly nowhere near as slow as they were 15+ years ago. Corporate PTSD takes years to wean off, it seems.

So yeah. Mine was nowhere near as slow as I wanted it to be, either...

~bitdweller wrote:

Our minds are fools, right? I mean, why can't it dilate good things? That should be the standard. Make enjoyable things feel longer so that we can enjoy now of it. But noooo, everything had to be reversed.

Like food. Why does everything that tastes best is the stuff that's bad for you?

~inquiry wrote:

Perhaps 'tis the mental difference between embracing and eschewing moments?

~starbreaker wrote:

Mine wasn't long enough either. IMO, we're long overdue for the 15 hour workweek.
