Midnight Pub

Poking My Head in the Door


Hey everyone—

I haven't shown up much to the Pub in a little while, now...although I've peeked in through the windows once or twice, walking past.

Just a water for me, please—places to be—although I'll happily cover a round of Fernet-Branca for anyone who'd like one.

How's everyone doing?

I'm sort of down-in-the-dumps, lately, but have been reading more good books to make up for it; and I've also been trying to counsel some of my foul humor using Stoic philosophy, with mixed results. I'm really enjoying Pessoa's 'The Book of Disquiet'.

What cheers y'all up when you're in a bad mood? I usually feel better when I remind myself what good friends I've got, and how lucky I am to have found them.

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~ew wrote:

What cheers y'all up ...

Music. Start the turntable for a wild ride --- depending on the mood. If my wife leaves ... all the better :) I'll feel better soon.

Django Bates -- Summerfruit and Unrest

Frank Zappa, Peter Herbolzheimer Rhythm Combination and Brass.

Carlos Santana. But loud it must be. I'm better when it becomes too loud for myself.

~eaplmx wrote:

How's everyone doing?

Well coming back from a 'long trip' (on time and distance), has been weird that feeling of knowing about different realities and analyzing yours. I think I'm fine.

What cheers y'all up when you're in a bad mood?

It depends a lot. Maybe taking enough rest. Maybe doing some exercise (I like to kick a ball). Talking with my wife. Playing a Zen videogame like:


Reading is great too. For last 3-4 weeks I was reading "Everything Is F*cked: A Book About Hope", because I has feeling, well, 'hopeless', and reconnecting with purpose, present, future and routines, helped me to get energy again for the uncertainty.

I want to read more sci-fi. Snow Crash is in my list, but I haven't found the mood for it. Maybe on the next weekend.

~chase wrote (thread):

Cleaning up my entiiire apartment. I mean, totally furious the whole time I'm doing it. But post-shower and when I'm finally done... I be walking one centimetre off the ground I tell ya.

~starbreaker wrote:

What cheers y'all up when you're in a bad mood?

I'm not a nice person, so I usually go looking for a quick hit of schadenfreude when I can't just hug my wife or pet one of my cats.
