Midnight Pub

What's your local bar like?


Greetings patrons of the Midnight. I've got a question for you: what's your local bar like? What's the place you like to go to whenever you want to go hang out with your friends, or just feel better after a long day?

The Midnight reminds me a lot of mine. It's located in the back of a broad avenue, in a quiet street. The facade doesn't look like much. It's painted in red/green. The door is hard to push and when you push it, the lights are dim, there's are one or two tables left and right, and in front there's the bar. The bartender is very chill. Has been there forever. I think it's the owner. There's not a lot to drink, definitely not cocktails. But they brew their own beer. It's not a good one, to be honest, but at least they do it themselves. It's also really cheap.

There's a floor, just above, where I usually go with my drink. I like to sit next to the window with a view on the street. Out of the window I can see the bar's sign glowing. The above floor has two rooms. One has sofas and even a piano. The whole place has been there forever so the sofa aren't really comfortable, and some are broken. But I feel like it's part of the charm of the place.

The other room upstairs also has some sofas and tables. When the night comes, there's another bar that "opens" upstairs to make it easier for people to order. And every now and then, they have little concerts in the lower basement. Of course, it didn't happen for a really long time because of covid.

So what's your bar like?

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~johano wrote:

I don't actually have one at the moment (Covid-19 and all), but generally my kind of place that has been a refuge has been bookstores and cafés, preferably combined...

~nagolbud wrote:

Midnight Pub is my favorite bar. I'm enjoying a fresh cool beer while enjoying a conversation with other dudes... playing some pool, a bit of music on the jukebox.

~tskaalgard wrote:

It's tiny, loud, packed, covered in forty years of stickers on every available surface, and wonderful.

~contrarian wrote:

I've never actually been to a bar like that and don't have any friends.

~edisondotme wrote:

It's an Irish pub with a small stage and a long wooden bar. I appreciate the decrepit facade of a neighborhood bar that's been around for ages. Divebars.

It's been described as a cop bar, but the low lives that make patronage make me think otherwise.

It has a touch tunes jukebox.

One time the bartender complained about one particular light bulb that was a color temperature much too cool to be comfortable for such a place. One of the buzzed patrons stood on a stool to loosen the bulb to put out the light while everyone at the bar watched nervously.

My local bar is comfy. Cash only. No yuppies allowed.

~starbreaker wrote:

I live in the US, but not in a real city, so I don't have a local bar. Then again, to me "local bar" means I can walk home if I'm too drunk to drive.
