Midnight Pub

"A stout please!"


Why is it so cold outside?

At least, now that I'm in the pub, it feels better. I don't know if it's the city or it's me, but walking outside makes my anxiety skyrocket. Maybe it's because when I walk alone I think, and when I think... it's not good. Right? At least it's friday, which means I'll be able to sleep for two days straight before starting over on monday.

I see the bartender and I say "A stout please!" as I sit in the bar.

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~johano wrote:

If that stout is a Guinness, sign me up please!

~ew wrote:

Hi ~martin, welcome!

~bartender? A stout sounds like a really good idea. The way home will have to wait a bit, but the train is running until late on Fridays ... so ...

~martin, have you seen that funny computer warehouse round the corner on the way in? What a place! Guess what I found: A box of dusty RTX2010 controllers! Unbelievable!

~brewed wrote (thread):

A stout you say? I'll have one as well!
