Midnight Pub

Two Poems


Nos da, everyone... here's two poems I wrote as part of Global Poetry Writing Month.

April 7

Trees grow up (how?)

from tiny seeds

watered by time

and shaped by circumstance

Shaped by the movement of the Dao

following instinctual needs

heedless of time

except as measured by Earth and Sun's dance

Roots grow down (wherein?)

into rich Pluto's realm

seeking nourishment

and making nexus with the past

Growing from the gone-before (meaning hides therein)

though history's weight at times may overwhelm

dispensing nourishment

and binding last to first and first to last.

April 8

If I knew long ago

What I know now --

All what lies within my ken --

I have to think (pure ego?)

Somewhen, someway, somehow

The Fates who drive the lives of men

And the curriculum vitae all must follow

Would guide me to give them a grateful bow

That I know now what I didn't know then.

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

"Watered by" yet "heedless of" the tick tock octane... which somehow brings an old favorite song to mind:

The Air that I Breathe

~theoria wrote (thread):

I love the eclectic allusions of the first poem. Perhaps you already know of it, but allow me to quote the Chandongya Upanishad as well:

Bring me a fruit from the nyagrodha tree.
Here it is, sir.
Break it. What do you see?
Seeds, father, all exceedingly small.
Break one. What do you see?
Nothing at all.
That hidden essence you do not see, dear one,
From that a whole nyagrodha tree will grow.
