Midnight Pub

when to jump


when do you know it's time to leave a place

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~tetris wrote (thread):

measure where you are now, with the possibilities you see everyday. Not just the possibilities you want, but all possibilities you can take ("the soup"). If where you are now outranks most of the soup, then I say "stay".

If you have to jump, make sure it's not into the abyss of possibility soup

~dwaynan wrote:

When I dread going back to it. But I suppose that's only a useful metric if you can leave temporarily.

~inquiry wrote:

For me it's after three consecutive affirmative Magic 8 Ball answers -OR- when my wife tells me it is. :-)

~mouse wrote (thread):

Apart from practical issues (money, time) I'd offer when it affects your Demeanour or character. Or in my case confidence.

Are you still enjoying or growing?

Hope this helps.
