Midnight Pub

Greetings, kind people


Although kindness is not, in fact, a pre-requisite. For better or for worse, we're all human, with all that that entails.

I find your bar by mere chance, as I suppose a lot of people did. Please don't mind how worn my clothes are, I promise they're clean and mended out of love and care, not desperation. I'll take a seat somewhere close to the fireplace — I always seem to find comfort near fire — if no one minds. And do forgive me if I don't speak much at first — I've been stuck on the digital highway road for years, and I fear it might take me a while to remember how to be at peace and think at a slow pace again. That's, however, exactly the reason why I seek your company. I have to believe I haven't yet lost the part of myself that could wonder instead or worrying.

May all of you have a good time of the day, whatever timezone hosts you!

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~tetris wrote:

Greenwich Mean Tribe, represent!

~johano wrote:

Croeso i Tafarn yr Hanner Nos, ~rusty!

It's a nice laid-back place here, make yourself at home and at peace.

The video link captures what I visualize The Midnight Pub to look like and the general vibe:

Dere Mewn by Colorama

(the title translates colloquially as "C'mon In")

~faiz wrote:

Enjoy. ☕🍺

~inquiry wrote:

Serendipity's a wonder-ous thing.

Welcome, and may endorse (of your experience here) be with you!

~ew wrote (thread):

Howdy, mate!

You definitely look like a traveler, worn boots and all. Which makes me smile immediately --- I have been in worn boots for long times. Not so much any more now, but roughly twice you age ... things quiet down at some point.

~bartender? Whatever travelers today please, it's on me! And one of your hidden gems of craft beer, please. Thanks so much!

The fireplace is a good place to be. Especially when freezing. Even if said freezing comes from inside, like it happens to me once or twice a year. Smudge walks up. Demanding attention. Lots of attention.

Smudge, have you any information about Tiddles? Still munching away on pizzas? Or did it leave the back yard seeking more tasteful pastures? Don't look at me innocent, if you don't know, where Tiddles is, no one will.

Except for Tiddles, that is.

~bartender serves a fine craft beer.


He always has something hiding back there. Amazing! And today is a good day, because I officially announced one of my projects open for adoption. I cannot continue myself any more, so I'll wait for all those restless souls eager to push the limits of imagination. Except that in a crowds of maybe 100 or so chances are really slim. But I did send this message.

Cheers and happy hacking!

~mouse wrote (thread):

Welcome rusty

Good to meet you.

Most of us say we found the midnight by chance, but I suspect we were all looking for something and did not know what it looked like.

Look out for Smudge (the bar cat) when sitting by the fire, either in or under the chair.

We seem a peaceful bunch with a slow - or considered - pace.

Enjoy your time here.

~tatterdemalion wrote (thread):

Well hi, there. Let me get you a glass of something you like. Myself, I'm having a bit of W. H. McBrayer bourbon; it's amazing what ~bartender manages to keep in stock!
