Midnight Pub

Little Problems


Well. My first visit into this pub. I didn't even realise it existed until recently, and I've been knocking around the internet most of my life. And a decent selection of ciders too? Well that makes me feel right at home.

Why the long face? Little things really. A noisy neighbour keeping the little one awake.

But it sure does feel like the last few years have been a string of problems strung together.

Some of them are big (family members dying, lockdowns, depression, lockdown depression), but most of them are small (see aforementioned noisy neighbour).

Still, I can't shake the feeling that pleasant moments like enjoying a nice strong cider in a cosy pub a too few and few between all the shit that life seems intent on throwing my way.

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~milf_god wrote:

Welcome to the pub! I hope that this pub provides you some comfort away from the stressors of everyday life. Plenty of drinks to choose from too!

~ns wrote:

Welcome, fellow cider aficionado! Recently, for better or worse, I've found a strong drink helps ease the burden of the string of problems that seems to connect our lives from one moment to the next. This round is on me, and I hope you enjoy your stay!

~inquiry wrote:


Mind seems to enjoy associating scarcity and value.

Which is likely a good chunk of why whereas shit happens, pub doesn't.

~shiloh wrote:

Welcome to the pub! The bartender's got plenty of ciders, and I also brought some of my own Motts-cinnamon-clove brew. A good drink in a good pub helps take the edge off of life. To paraphrase Marcus Aurelius, you'll face tomorrow with the same capabilities and mind as you have today, so why not just focus on what's in front you. (in this case, your cider and the good folks here)
