Midnight Pub

1st Decan of Gemini, the 2nd approaches...


Noswaith dda, pawb, sut dych chi heno? (Good evening, everyone, how are you this evening?)

Well, this has been a little strange chunk of time lately... still trying to get my self-hosting/DNS issues sorted out and that's kept me from dropping in as much as I'd like... also have dropped off a bit from other personal writing projects but want to get back to them.

I *have* been taking advantage of the nicer weather to do work outside/around the house and that has got me thinking on longer timeframes as well.

Our house is over 120 years old and still in remarkably good condition. There are trees in our yard that are probably equally old, if not older. A few winters ago, one fell over in a blizzard (thankfully no damage to the house) and since then it's been a slow process to cut up and clear out the remains, now complicated by an abundance of wild grape vines that grow profusely and rapidly everywhere.

As I clear the brush, I think about a new tree to plant there: what will it be in another 120 years? Will the house even be there?

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~inquiry wrote:

Our first house in this area (now a danged successful AirBnb) has one large tree on it: a Catalpa, which is what we decided to call the place. Crazy-assed (though simultaneously really cool) seed pods. No idea where they prefer to grow. But I thought I'd mention it since you're pondering something to plant.
