< Redacted


The wider internet has gotten very toxic the last few years. Feels like community after community is tearing itself apart because they can't extend a shred of generosity toward any other perspective than their own.

I think tolerance is a very misunderstood concept. It's like we've forgotten what it even means. Tolerance does not merely involve accepting those who share your own views and are like ourselves, but also those who have views we don't share.

Anyone who thinks that tolerance comes easy is either doesn't know the meaning of the word, is the actual second coming of Christ, or they're lying.

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~eaterofsheep wrote:

Very true. I've become quite intolerant after being glued to the internet for many years - sometimes quite proudly so. Now I'm trying to become more tolerant of other peoples views as I try to build relationships with new people - and it is not easy at all. I have developed rather dogmatic black-white good-evil thinking. I don't make an idiot of myself and show it, but when I disagree with people (on issues I find important) I really do hate them. Part of me still doesn't have a problem with this, as it shows my beliefs are sincere and I take them seriously, but it's no way to live. Oh gosh I find it confusinggg!!

~rosie88 wrote:

well, said. We need more variety in expression of ideas and opinions. That, I would hope. include unpopular ideas and opinions.
