< Some feelings


I'm pretty new to Midnight Pub, so I've been a little apprehensive about posting! Good to know the slow post count isn't unusual, haha.

Today I've started getting the house back in order after my surgeries, managed to pull out the old bookcase to sweep behind it. I'm also organizing our backlog of laundry to bring down to the laundromat.

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch right now. Sometimes, getting over feelings like that just takes time & giving yourself the room to really feel and process them. I hope things start looking up for you soon!

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~mouse wrote:

Hi ~gh0stprince,

I be new here too, and share the same apprehension. Not so much a low post count but leisurely. As and when required. But they are a kind and forgiving bunch. A round of drinks or a large sharing bucket of chips/fries on the bar seems to help
