< Exhausted


Hello ~locha, for entirely different reasons I went into a sleep deprived state a few weeks ago. Man, was I grumpy. I'd explode for no reason. It even took me a few days to realize, that sleep deprivation was causing this. I changed the path into that desaster a bit, and I'm much better now.

So, whether or not its your "fault" --- that's not helpful. However, you are the only person, who can realistically do anything about it. . :-) One thing I'm sick and tired of is hearing are all the well meant suggestions from all those folks, who obviously are not fighting the same fight. Sighhhh.

~bartender? How about some soothing tea with the best herbs this planet has to offer. Yes, yes, like a magic drink to go to sleep and have a "black as the night is black in Africa" night, black and sans dreams. Thank you so much!

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