< !#!||^¥^ Urban Guerilla Camping Wolf ^¥^||!#!


reminds me of myself in 2005 in Daytona Beach, FL. I was drinking like a fish for a year beforehand, I escaped my parents house (I was 20 at the time) by maxing out a credit card I had forgotten I had on a plane ticket to Daytona Beach, and roamed the beach daily (12+ mi walked per day) just drying up in the sun. I drank every so often, but couldn't afford it, panhandling wasn't worth it. Penninless and itemless I just drank water and felt the liberation of no things, no schedule, no cares, no destination, just me me me. Probably one of the happiest times :)

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~wolfinthewoods wrote (thread):

there's a blessing and a curse

with ultimate freedom

you can embrace the chaos

or lament the loss of comfort

right now i'm forced to camp

due to the stringent requirements

of the court in this county

i have to take a breath test

two! times a day

one at 7am and the other at 6pm

due to the weekend bus schedule

i wouldn't make it on time tomorrow

so i'm having to camp downtown

i'm embracing it though

it's actually a nice, quiet spot

here on the beach

but the rain is definitely

soaking my tent

thankfully i had a raincover

or i'd be drenched
