< A suspiciously comforting solitude


I lean firmly quit end of the online spectrum. Can't remember exactly when, but I dumped Facebook and Twitter at least half a decade ago. For me, it was mostly due to noticing neither platform attracted people capable of long(er) form. Such platforms seemed in the vein of how Windows became the darling of those seemingly incapable of ever developing genuine computer competence - descendants of sorts of the clueless :-) Eternal September horde, if you will....

Fun to see the word 'Compuserve' again. I never got with that, but did enjoy similar "onvirons" from good 'ole General Electric called "GEnie".

Your "tomorrow evening" description has it sounding glorious!

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~abacushex wrote (thread):

You should try Reyka. Icelandic vodka. Not expensive and so smoooooooooth

Also smooth- get some Stolinchaya and put it in the freezer. Egads what slightly syrupy elixir this produces. Probably biased as my friend who was hosting was playing Tchaikovsky when I arrived.
