
I've mentioned recently that I'm feeling calmer and more brain-healthy recently than I have for a few months. Someone at work today even mentioned matter-of-fact that I was quite stressed a month ago. This improvement is ...pleasing. A funny result of this is that I'm absolutely back on my bullshit with amateur computer programming.

I have ridiculous gemtext-related project in mind, which I won't write more about until/unless I pull it off. I've gotten back into contributing a few things to th e BookWyrm project. And thanks to some stuff I subscribe to, today I encountered a few interesting projects, and added another one of my own. First up, Lichen:

Lichen is the simplest possible CMS for the web that is friendly enough for non-technical users.

It looks interesting, though the choice of Forth to write this active updated version is ...interesting. I'm sure it's a perfectly fine language, but I really have no idea how it works. I found out about this via Solidarity Infrastructures (h/t Alissa) boosted into my Mastodon timeline. It reminded me of the websites running off local solar power, run by Solar Protocol and Low Tech Magazine.

A piece by web standards expert Mark Nottingham - "What RSS needs" was interesting. It led me to another piece of his on how and why to set up web caching on your website and RSS feed which I haven't read yet but will, and prompted me to check my own RSS feed in the W3C feed validator. Turns out it's terrible! It's slightly unclear whether this is due to something I've done in setting up the feed template, or simply that Zola's default RSS template isn't spec compliant. In any case, having had a quick look at the Atom spec in comparison to the RSS2.0 spec I think I've decided my problem is primarily that Atom is just a better spec, and I should change to that. I might have to do something unintuitive to ensure the feed still works though, like calling my Atom feed file "rss.xml".

It's been fun to nerd out. Especially when I don't actually have to progress any of these little projects. Nice to have a hobby I guess.

Join BookWyrm


Solidarity Infrastructures

Solar Protocol

What RSS needs

Atom Syndication Format
