Rainywhile's Home in Geminispace

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About me

I'm a software developer and amateur photographer living in the UK. I'll be using this site to post my photos and to occasionally talk about anything I find interesting.

Recently renamed

This capsule was, until recently, hosted at gem.billsmugs.com. See the gemlog for more details!

My gemlog



I take pictures of all sorts, but the main subjects are architecture and plants. Click here to view them via Gemini or the web:


Get in touch!

If you want to reply to one of my posts, comment on one of my photos, report a problem with the site, send me an interesting link, ask a question, say hi, or communicate with me about anything else for any reason, please click here:

✉️ Contact

You can also contact me via the Misfin messaging protocol:


What's Misfin? Read about it here!

Toki Pona

Toki Pona is a "constructed language" with a very minimal vocabulary and simple grammar, which I was first introduced to via Gemini.

My Toki Pona Gemini capsule


Simulate rolling dice, flipping coins and dealing cards


Stats for this site

My plant on Astrobotany

Links to my various homes on the web


If you reply to, discuss or link to anything I post here then I would be delighted to know about it - please let me know via the contact link above (if you post to Antenna then I'll probably see it, but I don't mind receiving a link directly too).

You can refer to me as "Rainywhile" (with or without the capital letter), or any reasonable shortened version thereof. Feel free to use either they/them, he/him or she/her pronouns (but, for the sake of anyone reading, please pick one and use it consistently in a given post...)
