ROOPHLOCH 2024 - Post from the Mueggenburg park

Author:       -fab- <>
License:      CC BY-SA 4.0
Published on: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 15:30:53 +0200
Last updated: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 15:30:53 +0200

Hello from the "Müggenburg" park near my home at the Norf creek. So I'm outing myself as living in Norf/NRW/Germany. But I'm most likely the only one here in this town who regularly uses the Gemini protocol. If you really live in or near Norf, you can send me an email, but I won't tell you my real name :)


This is written with my Lenovo T460s Laptop on my knees and my OnePlus Nord phone as a hotspot. I'm sitting on a bench in the shadow of some trees. I post this as my first participation in the ROOPHLOCH. At first I wanted to make my ROOPHLOCH post with LoraWAN, but that idea turned out to be too difficult to realize because of the LoraWAN restrictions (and too expensive). Then I planned to write my ROOPHLOCH'24 post from the Rhinetower in Düsseldorf - which would have missed the point of being *outdoors*. I traveled to the Rhinetower anyway and made a non-ROOPHLOCH post from there nonetheless:

2024-07-26 Post from the Rhinetower in Düsseldorf

So now I come up with this as my *real* ROOPHLOCH'24 post. No special setup just a Laptop and a Smartphone. I hope it counts anyway. I've thought about a nice place near to my home which I can reach by walking. I remembered the Müggenburg park from my childhood and early adulthood - I believe I haven't been here for ~35-36 years. But I remember it as a very beautiful park here in Norf. So I chose the Müggenburg park and here is my post :)

The Müggenburg Park

Müggenburgpark on

The park is not very big and it goes along the Norf creek on one side and a wall to some private property on the other. There is a little pond here with a little island in it. It's kept a little ragged, but I think it's intended and I like it. The pond is surrounded by some trail so you can walk around it. There is also a big tree here which is fenced in. As far as I can tell it's not an oak tree but it looks cool anyway. I took a picture of it and it's a really cool looking tree. There are mushrooms on the sides of the tree like plates, but I don't know their name. I believe they're in some kind of symbiosis. If someone knows the name of these plate-shaped mushrooms, send me an email. The Müggenburg Park is a small but very beautiful quiet place to take a rest. I think this is a good choice for the challenge.

Going outdoors again

I take this challenge as an opportunity to come out of my apartment again and get my ass up and "touch some grass". I'll take this as an reminder to get out of my house more often, too, although I'm not very good on my feet. I need a lot of rest during my walk.

I really leave my apartment too seldom and this is already something special. Too bad ROOPHLOCH is only once a year, but on the other hand I could go out and post from outdoors all over the year without some special reason.

Around 9 or 10 years ago I did some geocaching and I'm curious if there are some caches around here. This would be quite a good place to hide them. When I think about it, it would be cool to get involved in geocaching again and write about my searching adventures in my gemlog (Do 50 year old men still do geocaching?) :)


I took some pictures of the park with my shitty smartphone cam (resized to 33%):

Müggenburgpark - Entrance (585k jpg)

Müggenburgpark - The Norf creek (627k jpg)

Müggenburgpark - Big tree from east (615k jpg)

Müggenburgpark - Pond with little isle (638k jpg)

Müggenburgpark - Pond from the south (699k jpg)

Müggenburgpark - Big tree from the west (695k jpg)

A nice walk

It's good to be outdoors again. The weather is fine and I'm enjoying the fresh air and the view of the park. After sending this post, I'll go on with my walk and have a Coke with two ice cubes and a lemon piece in "Le Petit Café" just a few meters from the Catholic Church here in Norf. I think I'll walk that route now more often just because it's a lot of fun and I really need to get in touch with nature more often. Maybe I'll be better on my feet if I try to do this regularly.

All in all - have fun!



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