Entering Smolspace

10 January 2024

Well, I'm here. Let's see what follows.

Imagining the Under Construction GIFs is left as an exercise for the reader.

I'm still figuring out how this works, what I might put here, and how to organise it all. I like the space references, but I find the lack of basic text styling and images disturbing. I guess that's in line with Gemini's smolness ethos - can't be loading PNGs on a Spectrum - but then it demands you do TLS so ~shrugs~

I've started with a gmid instance running in a Docker container on a Debian VPS. gmid is lightweight, Linuxy, and in steady development, all of which appealed, but I couldn't get it to build on Debian hence the containerisation. Posts are manual uploads over SSH for now, but I might end up with some kind of generator to help maintain cross links and so on. Or not. Keep it simple, eh?

Related Links

GMID Gemini Server


