The Mare Crisium Soviet Socialist Regency


The Mare Crisium Soviet Socialist Regency (also known as "The Soviet")

is an ancient and prosperous circumlunar colony. It keeps ongoing close

relationships with the sister colonies Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar

Corporate Republic and Mare Tranquillitatis People's Circumlunar




The colony is organised in a Soviet (council), under the benevolent

supervision of The Union. All the members of the colony have equal

rights and contribute to the survival and wealth of the colony on a

voluntary basis, and according to their skills and inclinations. The

Union supervises the activities of the colony, ensuring that all its

members have adequate levels of resources to contribute to the survival

and wealth of the colony.

Each Soviet user has a personal space (called a "cell") where they can

keep their possessions and belongings while staying at the colony. The

gopher/gemini space of a user is the only stuff in a cell that must be

accessible by the entire galaxy. For the rest, any possession kept in a

user's cell is inaccessible to other members of the colony by default,

unless the user decides otherwise.



The colony exists in the form of a pubnix, a public Unix system where

users share space and resources, federated with other pubnixes

administered by like-minded folks. The focus of The Soviet is on the

usage and development of minimalist free software (mainly for

command-line environments) and simple network protocols (including

gopher, gemini, finger, etc.), and on the publication of miscellaneous

material and content created by the colony members.

The colony is founded around the concept of "Small Internet":



which values quality over quantity and aims at bringing computing,

networking, and digitally-mediated relationships back to human-sized


The main inspiring principle of The Soviet is collaboration among colony

members, with the aim of sustaining the colony, helping other colony

members acquiring new knowledge and achieving their goals, further

developing the colony, and ultimately improving the quality of staying

for all its members. For this reason, The Soviet has no hierarchies or

grades: all members are equal, and contribute with humility and

dedication to the wealth of the colony, according to their skills,

temper, character, and inclinations.

All the software, documentation, tutorials, scripts, and tools developed

for The Soviet will be maintained in local shared git repos to which all

the colony members have write and commit rights by default. This makes

all the colony members of The Soviet equally responsible for and

committed to the maintenance and the development of the colony as a


The users of the Soviet feel themselves empowered by the responsibility

of caring for the colony, altogether, as a fellowship. No user of The

Soviet would ever act in a manner that could cause damage to The Soviet,

or that could harm any other user of The Soviet or of other sister

Circumlunar colonies, or that could put in danger the reputation and

good name of The Union.

Due to the limited amount of resources available, and to ensure that the

members of the colony can establish meaningful relationships with other

fellow members, the maximum number of colony members is set to 48.

To respect the privacy of the members of The Soviet, *none* of the

material present on The Soviet is ever backed up, with the only

exception of system files. Consequently, each user is responsible for

using a backup solution of their choice, if they wish so.

Civil Rights


All the members of The Soviet are considered equal, irrespective of

their gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic background, political

views, nationality, spoken language, religion (or lack thereof). The

members of the Soviet are considerate human beings who care for their

fellows. Any member of the Soviet can speak their mind freely, and

accepts that other members are allowed to do the same.

Soviet users have the civil right to ask for their belonging to the

colony to be terminated and their cell and all their possessions

destroyed. All such requests will be honoured by The Union without

further ado. Such requests are taken seriously. The termination of the

cell of a colony member is definitive and irreversible. Please consult

the FAQ (Q13)

Soviet users have the right to ask The Union to provide specific tools

or facilities they need for their daily activities and for the survival

and development of the colony. The Union will normally honour such

requests, unless they go openly against the collaborative and friendly

environment of the Soviet.

All the material produced by members of The Soviet is published under

their own responsibility. The Union reserves the right to remove

material that is deemed offensive, violent, derogative, or otherwise

illegal or dangerous. The Union reserves the right to suspend a colony

member responsible for the production of such material, and/or to

terminate their belonging to The Soviet without further ado.

The Union reserves the right to terminate the belonging of any user of

The Soviet that acts repeatedly and willingly against the inspiring

principles of the colony, as detailed above, and in particular of any

user that adopts offensive, derogative, aggressive, disrespectful, or

otherwise violent or inappropriate behaviours towards the members of the

wide circumlunar universe.

The Union reserves the right to disable or remove accounts that remain

unused and/or inactive for a log amount of time (more than one year),

but only if strictly needed due to scarcity of available accounts.



All Soviet users have the same level of access to the programs and

facilities available within The Soviet, and each of them is assigned a

Basic Disk Quota (BDQ). The value of BDQ is identical for all the

Soviet users at any given point in time, and it is initially set to

100MB. However, the BDQ value on The Soviet depends on the level of

collaboration showed by the Soviet as a whole, in terms of participation

of the members to the life of the community, contribution of software

and documentation, publication of content, participation to the social

life within the broader family of circumlunar colonies, etc.

The Union will periodically revise the BDQ value, increasing it for all

the Soviet users as deemed necessary, but always on the basis of the

observed level of collective contribution to The Soviet. In any case and

at any given point in time, all the users on The Soviet will have

identical rights and will be assigned an identical amount of BDQ.


:The Union:

