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                            – where capsuleers hang out –

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👽 martin

I love a good long-distance train journey. I'm about to head back to Bangkok from Chiang Mai via overnight train. The journey is 13 hours, and this train is delightfully old school. I love it.

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 hours ago

👽 martin

One thing I love about the travel lifestyle is that you meet old friends in new places. I've met so many friends in Chiang Mai that I first met in Da Nang. There's something really fun about that happening. It makes the world feel smaller in the ways ...

💬 1 Reply · 4 Thumbs · 23 hours ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

https://phrack.org/issues/7/3.html This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt-cheap if it wasn't run by profiteering gl ...

💬 5 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 day ago

👽 gyaradong

People say walking is falling gracefully and I feel like I need to embrace that for life. It's not easy though. Maybe I just never learned the lessons in my youth that I should have.

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 days ago

👽 martin

Today I’m spending the day with my Esperanto friend (fun fact: he’s a native speaker), exploring Chiang Mai in the beautiful international language. What are you all up to this fine weekend?

💬 9 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 3 days ago

👽 melyanna

First day in Warsaw. The weather was lovely and I walked more than 20K steps. Today was dedicated to just walking around the city and figuring out good areas for an apartment. Tomorrow is supposed to rain: good day for a museum visit.

💬 2 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 3 days ago

👽 danrl

after a long day out it san francisco watching the fighter jet air show and navy fleet ships and boats, my wife and i decided to order food delivery when we finally arrived back home late at night. she used a popular ride hailing app that also integr ...

💬 4 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 3 days ago

👽 martin

Faced with a problem in code, I get true joy from finding a deeply unorthodox solution, that (in my context) has none of the theoretical downside that would make normal people (oh if only they knew) tell me with their whole chest I'm going right to h ...

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 4 days ago

👽 jsreed5

On 2024-10-25, I will replace the server certificate on Rob's Gemini Capsule with a new one. The current cert fingerprint ends with BB6C557D; the new cert fingerprint will end with 56D4B3AF. If you see "untrusted host" warnings in the near future, pl ...

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 4 days ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLgBejh5TLA some barbarian music?

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 5 days ago

👽 roughnecks

since when I started using mosh I haven't had any disconnections to my server from WSL2. With pure SSH it happened at least a couple times per day, especially when the terminal was left idle. Now I can even (de)activate a wireguard VPN and mosh still ...

💬 3 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 5 days ago

👽 roughnecks

chatgpt can be nice if you don't have strong coding abilities, but it can also be a PITA when it does something wrong and you have to debug the code by yourself. it's refreshing when you can correct it and tell to remember what it did wrong, tho :)

💬 6 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 6 days ago

👽 jecxjo

The Grim Gotchi showed up at our house today. My kid is now an official 90s kid as she gave up on Tamagotchis after the first death. Made it two whole generations which was impressive.

💬 2 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 6 days ago

👽 danrl

i went a bit above and beyond lately at work, but when i asked for a small favor in return it was denied. somehow this isn’t the two way street anymore it used to be. makes me a bit angry, actually.

💬 4 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 6 days ago

👽 cloudshaker

As much as I would like to set up a home server and set up a reverse proxy, the security risks *if* something goes wrong really put me off. One misconfigured file or one important step you missed and your home network is at risk... well, it feels tha ...

💬 4 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

i am as dumb as hell... i almost set my house on fire, was zum teufel????

💬 11 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 week ago

👽 martin

For anyone curious about my Chiang Mai flood experience, I captured a good amount of the 3 days on camera. Here's the video documenting it. https://youtu.be/u_vGbCCsDmA

💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 week ago

👽 martin

Chiang Mai update: after 3 days of no power or water, we’re back and everything is recovering well. This makes me happy.

💬 4 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 haze

Does Cosmos uses TOFU? I suffered a data loss recently and cosmos doesn't seem to update mine site anymore since I had to geenerate a new cert and restore from backup.

💬 1 Reply · 0 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 kocka_collector

Hello, I was wondering if anyone else around here uses lagrange, installed usign Guix? the repositories still seem to be stuck on 1.17.6, and to make matters worse, the automatic update builder thing (guix built/install lagrange --with-latest=lagrang ...

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 skyjake

The skyjake.fi/bbs.geminispace.org server IP address has changed. You may notice connectivity issues today until DNS information updates fully.

💬 0 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 martin

Don't tell yourself you're going to "learn Spanish". Instead, you're going to learn how to tell people your name. Tomorrow it might be age. Next month it'll be "chatting for longer than 3 mins". Let the path be unclear, and focus one step ahead ins ...

💬 2 Replies · 6 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 martin

Good morning! I've just uploaded last week's language newsletter for anyone who missed it. It contains four tips to make learning your TL more effective. https://lingoh.news/more-hacks-to-learn-a-language-faster

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 greg

I'm trying to wean myself off the fast Internet, currently looking for slow-ish Gemini/Gopher alternatives that fix my craving for link aggregators like HackerNews and Lobste.rs. Anyone got anything good?

💬 3 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 mrrobinhood5

I wrote a small game for Gemini users. I changed the name, but its the well known game. Any feedback is appreciated, this is pre-alpha, it may come down later if there is not interest. gemini://zoombies.inkverse.space:1966/

💬 9 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 week ago

👽 pyjvm

Hello, dudes! I'm newbie in gemini. Are there forums here? Chats? Or is that the only place where there are comments? It's an interesting technology. I think the forum could be written, maybe on jetforce. Hmm... The protocol is simple, but this doesn ...

💬 5 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 five_over_four

i have a new guitar tone that reminds me a lot of the mars volta. so i'm playing tetragrammaton... fuuuuuuark it's so bitey. dirty and loud.

💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 week ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

I tried to eat a Netflix sponsored Stranger Things Mac'n'Cheese pizza right now... bloody hell, what maniac had the idea to create this....starving to death is a better choice...

💬 5 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 martin

Guys, I literally cycled for 2 hours to be able to post this /now update. https://martinrue.com/now

💬 10 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 melyanna

I see myself and my past with much more clarity now. I don't think it's just hindsight (some of it, yes, for sure), as I have recently felt like I finally found myself. Or... this is a midlife crisis. Which I wouldn't necessarily see as a bad thing: ...

💬 5 Replies · 5 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 a1613

In the heart of the city, where shadows collide, we rise like the dawn, with our spirits untied. With laughter and dreams, we shatter the night, in the dance of the free, we reclaim our right. Let the walls of oppression tremble and fall, for the voi ...

💬 1 Reply · 3 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 girasol

Linux newbies: only pay attention to these: Alpine, Void, Fedora, OpenSuse, Debian, Arch, NixOS or BSD. All others are likely useless! Did you know that installing a certain desktop environment gives you the same polish as the fancy linux distro you ...

💬 15 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 floppa

Hello from linux.org.ru!

💬 4 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 martin

I’m 24 hours into being stuck in the floods in Chiang Mai. No water or electricity, which would mean no internet right now. However, I realised the gym in this building has a cross trainer that is powered by use, and it has USB! So, 700 kcals later I ...

💬 6 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 rqm

We have degus! Yay! But one of them is just hiding in a corner - afraid it’s sick :/

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 johano

lipu mi kepeken sitelen pona: gemini://gem.chiajlingvoj.ynh.fr/o-kama-sona-sitelen-pona.gmi

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 week ago

👽 danrl

a new generation is entering the workforce and, like every generation before, this brings interesting new work conflicts as expectations and work approaches clash. time to ramp up my mentoring, there needs to be some guidance to get the team through ...

💬 3 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 zolopov

Hey there!

💬 5 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 jo

Happy Birthday Sputnik 1

💬 0 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

folks, recently at a local discounter i bought a very strange longsleeve thermo shirt for a very low budged price. that thing is the sh*t, fits like a second skin and i can sit outside at 0C wirhout freezing. wtf is this? not even my merino wool stu ...

💬 18 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 martin

Overnight there’s going to be another big flood in Chiang Mai. Like bloody buses! You try and escape them in one country and end up with 2 at the same time in another.

💬 4 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 captainrantcraft

Spent a bit of time today migrating a nextcloud instance to the new cluster. Set it all up using Apache and mod php. I was wondering if there'll ever be an Apache 3 :D

💬 8 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 martin

There's nothing quite like riding your motorbike in the morning in Asia to truly wake up and appreciate life. I've arrived at my co-working space in Chiang Mai with a sudden zest for life!

💬 3 Replies · 6 Thumbs · 1 week ago

👽 mrrobinhood5

I wish I could "box" the feeling you get when you use a public restroom and the seat is nice and warm, and gift that "box" to unsuspecting strangers and watch their face from afar when they "unbox"

💬 5 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 week ago

👽 eph

My work blocks gemini connections which is a blessing in disguise, as if I could browse at work I'd never get anything done!

💬 8 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 weeks ago

👽 danrl

there always was, is, and will be war. -furiosa unfortunate truth.

💬 4 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 weeks ago

👽 tiff_the_valkyrie

Need a new laptop and I'm thinking of getting a ThinkPad T460. Heard good things about ThinkPads; just hoping it has solid Linux compatibility.

💬 7 Replies · 6 Thumbs · 2 weeks ago

👽 hanzbrix

Are there any feed for new station entries? I have tried to find it and the only feed I could find, was my notification feed. I would also love to subscribe to new entries, as there is often new interesting stuff and I forget to check.

💬 4 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 2 weeks ago

👽 martin

Very happy that I'm finding the time to be consistent with my language-learning writing. Yesterday I sent out issue 8 of my twice-monthly newsletter on the topic. If you don't know about it, all previous issues are here. Subscribe to get new issues ...

💬 0 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 2 weeks ago

Docking Bay Activity

✨ runamuck docked ⏱ 1 day ago

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✨ gredo docked ⏱ 3 days ago

✨ ryebreadstation docked ⏱ 5 days ago

✨ cloudshaker docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ jecxjo docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ hdgfter docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ greg docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ elfener docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ a1613 docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ u5er docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ girasol docked ⏱ 1 week ago

✨ gentooshnik docked ⏱ 1 week ago

Station Diagnostics

👥 Docked: 1554 · 💬 Logs: 6746 · 🕐 Activity: 2 hours ago · 🕗 Uptime: 15 weeks
