a mailcap before donning my nightcap

In the wee hours of the morning, approximately three hours before I usually wake up, I’m finding it hard to remember little details like the mailcap is responsible for holding the mime types and corresponding commands that can be used to deal with those types.

I sat staring at a new muttrc file trying to remember what to put in it so that either w3m or pandoc would get invoked to convert ugly HTML messages into more palatable text.

Eventually I grepped my notes for mutt and found a mention of adding mutt-ics to my mailcap file. That was for calendar invites and such, but it was enough to spark my memory. Then after brief admonishments I created a mailcap file to convert text/html into text.

Here’s what that looks like at the moment:

# pandoc failed me :-(
#text/html; pandoc -f html -t markdown %s ; copiousoutput; needsterminal; nametemplate=%s.html
# but w3m did just fine:
text/html; w3m -B -o display_link_number=1 -I %{charset} -T text/html ; copiousoutput

# for good measure, let's also make sure ics is supported:
text/calendar; mutt-ics; copiousoutput
application/ics; mutt-ics; copiousoutput

Time to turn off the soundtrack for Hacknet and sleep.







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updated: 2024-03-17 01:31:06

generated: 2024-10-15
