#Old News

03 Sep 21 - Pink is now running on NetBSD 9.2. Ooo, how shiny!

09 Apr 21 - Pink is now running on NetBSD 9.1. How exciting.

06 Dec 20 - A few days ago, tilde.pink was migrated from its'

original host to a new dedicated server. Thanks to Ben of

tildeverse fame for the excellent hosting of tilde.pink since "printf "the beginning.

The new server is an Intel E3 1270 V2 running Proxmox with pink "printf "as a VM. This is my first big dedicated server that wasn't

something I ran from home. I'm really excited to get to play with

it. It comes with 16Gb of ram and 5 static IP addresses.

06 Dec 20 - A few days ago, tilde.pink was migrated from its'

original host to a new dedicated server. Thanks to Ben of

tildeverse fame for the excellent hosting of tilde.pink since "printf "the beginning.

The new server is an Intel E3 1270 V2 running Proxmox with pink "printf "as a VM. This is my first big dedicated server that wasn't

something I ran from home. I'm really excited to get to play with

it. It comes with 16Gb of ram and 5 static IP addresses.

02 Oct 20 - We have shifted backups to Backblaze now. With that, we are now using restic instead of borgmatic. Borgmatic never seemed to get along well with NetBSD\'s cron. Also, Halloween is almost here!

16 May 20 - The upgrade to NetBSD 9.0 was a success. Thanks Ben for all the help! Goodbye 8.1, we'll miss you.

15 May 20 - We have shifted gemini servers once again! We are now running gemserv. This server supports user directories from the get go. As soon as you create an index.gmi file in your public_gemini folder, it will be accessable from gemini://tilde.pink/~username/ A script runs every 15 minutes to look for new index.gmi files and adds a link on the main gemini page.

13 Jan 20 - We have now moved to a new gemini server. Solderpunk's Molly Brown gemini server is now serving gemini content to the masses!

08 Oct 19 - The dual gopher/gemini client, Bombadillo is now installed. Now you can browser gopherspace and gemspace all at the same time!

03 Sep 19 - The tilde.pink gemini server is up and running. If you are interested in running a gemini page, create a folder in your ~folder called "public_gemini". Place a file in this folder called "index.gmi". You'll be able to access your gemini page from an URL like "gemini://tilde.pink/~username". For more information, check out the following link.

31 Aug 19 - Basic services have been restored. Email is fully functional from inside the shell. I'm still debating on whether or not to install dovecot for imap/pop3 support. Backups are correctly working now with keys remotely backed up. We also have this gemini server, which is new!

28 Aug 19 - We had a major incident and are currently dealing with damage control. Please join us on channel #pink on tilde.chat for more information.
