About Me

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Article Series


2022-03-10 Observations on Star Wars in 2022

Vintage TV - The Adventures of Superman (1952)

2020-05-17 Superman - Part 1

2020-05-26 Superman - Part 2

2020-06-15 Superman - Part 3

2021-03-13 Superman - Part 4

Five Star Reviews

Babette's Feast (1987)

Recent Journal Entries

All Entries

2022-09-23 ROOPHLOCH

2023-04-12 Focus Group

2023-04-12 Five Star Reviews

2023-04-16 RE: my create article script

2023-04-17 Random ChatGPT Conversation

2023-04-26 in stillness lies a calm so true

2023-05-08 Tradewars

Role Playing Games

Micro RPG System

My other projects

Cosmic Voyage - Tilde community for sci-fi (gopher) - Personal gopherspace

IRC logs of #gemini on (nightly snapshot)

Other Content

Gemini Places
