#bit warm

hiiiiiiii gemheads (that's you. you're gemheads now. that's what gemini users are called now. i've decided it and i'm the final authority on this)

how we doin!! been a few months but i've not known what to write about on here. my darling gf is visiting in September and we're spending the week in London and i'm so excited to show her around and do dumb touristy stuff that i never do LOL

ALSO she's here for my BIRTHDAY which is cool!! (September 12th to all you darling gemheads who were BEGGING to pop it in your calendars)

once again writing this in Textreme 2 btw and i always forget how cute this is. i went down a rabbit hole of text editors and personal wikis recently - looked into things like Obsidian, QOwnNotes, Zettlr.. at one point i was planning to learn the intricacies of emacs and org-mode before deciding that, actually, it was too much learning and too complicated and i literally DON'T have the time for all that shit.

eventually decided on the simple-yet-elegant Zim Wiki, which i have been using for to-do lists at work & for organising travel plans at home (such as plans for when me gf visits hehehe). i previously used QTodoTxt at work, a GUI for the todo.txt format. which was fine but i just kept forgetting it was there and never *actually* utilised it?? the novelty of Zim hasn't worn off so i still use it, and i like that it has a lot more freedom as to how i lay out my to-do lists and information. and folders ARE also notes in the hierarchy which i like a lot. and my go-to text editor/IDE for code is Geany so i'm also just used to the look and feel of GTK text editors on Windows now lmao

check out zim-wiki instead of listening to me babble on about it lmao

just realised i titled this gemlog post "bit warm" and have not elaborated upon that. it's summer. it's bloody boiling today. not even super sunny right now but fucking hot enough in the office (i'm writing this from work don't judge me). it's so HUMID like.. fuck off.

regulars of this gemlog (do i have regulars that aren't my gf? who knows) may remember me talking about an asynchronous noughts and crosses (aka tic-tac-toe) game i was working on as a little proof-of-concept in my last post. well, it took me too long to bloody finish it BUUUUT IT IS FINISHED check it out below!

Async-Tac-Toe game

Async-Tac-Toe GitHub repository

i don't think i have anything else to add and i, once again, don't know how to fi nish a gemlog post soooooooooo BYE LOL <3
