Welcome to darreninthenet’s Gemini capsule

Many many thanks to Solarpunk at circumlunar.space for providing this amazing (and free) community and hosting

## Bio

A generation-X husband, gamer and outdoor enthusiast, currently learning the world of developing, making and hacking (in it's real sense, not the tabloid definition)

## Other places I'm on the net

My web profile page

My home page with everything else on it

Personal web blog

Statuslog on the web

/now page on the web

My Gopherspace

## What's the plan for this?

Right now, it's just a little piece of home on a cool new way of serving old-school style personal pages, just like the net used to be before FAANG (etc)... when time allows this year, I'll start doing some occasional blogging ("Gemlog") here alongside my occasionally updated weblog.

Will it be gripping, amazing and mind-blowing content? Probably not, but it'll be mine and you're free to enjoy it, share it or ignore it :-)

Gemini homepage of the server where this is hosted
