╷   ╷╭───╮│ ╷─╮╭───╮╷   ╷╷╶──╮ 
         ╷ ╷ ╭──╴││ │  ╭──╴│ ╷ ╷ │   │  
         ╰─╯ ╰──╴ ╰╴╵  ╰──╴  ╰─╯     ╵ 
               ╶╮│╭╴ a good mindfuck leaves no reasons;
                │││  a good saboteur leaves no evidence;
               ╶╯│╰╴ a nice tie opens many doors.

Down a corridor, to the left, continuing straight;

Your travels have lead you to a residential block, deep within the Zaibatsu. You've nearly arrived now. Approaching the door, you notice an adjacent metal panel sliding downward into the wall, exposing a hacked-together security camera. Before, the omnipresent stench of the ship's atmosphere and the sight of fungal rot left you sick, uneasy. Now, as you watch the camera adjust its telescoping lens, analyzing you; you too feel your senses begin to acclimate and sharpen.

As quickly as it emerged, the camera retreats, its panel snapping shut. There is a faint beep, followed by a louder click, as the door unlocks. The valravn's nest is open to you.


The place is small, essentially a single room; the Circumlunar colonies are not large by modern standards, and accommodations must fit available resources. Inside, the room is cluttered: half-finished projects are distributed between each table, shelf and counter; stacked bins of electronics and spare parts occupy the back wall. The collective contents of a bedroom, kitchen, and workshop barely fit together within the room's walls, themselves covered in media posters and aged propaganda. The smells of aerosol and paint hit your nose as you turn to a clothing rack holding worn black fatigues, freshly emblazoned with dripping insignia.

Documents are strewn about on the main table, including an identification card - probably a good place to start.

information about me

A computer with several connected monitors sits unlocked in front of a mesh chair. One screen is opened to a list of journal files sorted by date, titled after miscellaneous topics.

my *log, valravn's transmissions

The monitor to its left displays a multiplexed terminal, with snippets of code, a hex dump, and a todo list.

hacks and projects

Glancing above, a wider monitor displays a scrolling feed of headlines and statistics - ongoing events in this region of the solar system.

news mirrors

Large, makeshift antennae stick up out of a radio system sat on the floor, itself feeding into a large cassette recorder. A pile of labeled tapes sit adjacent.

musical musings

On the opposite end sits a small bookshelf. Flicking through the titles, they seem to mostly be on the subjects of philosophy, politics, science fiction, and occultism.

literary lectures

exit the nest
