Midnight Pub

new hardware woes ^¥^



i bought this

asus vivobook

a month and a half ago

barely have had time

to screw with it

tried for weeks to

install linux

kept encountering issues

didn't have time to

do the deep dive

to troubleshoot

turns out it's

something about ahci

stupidly fucked with the bios

to try and change

from rst to ahci

windows won't start

tried every which way to fix it


windows is fucked

so i just wiped it and

installed mx linux

guess i'll be driving linux

primarily now

fine by me,

except i did want to

play disco elysium dammit

i haven't had a new(er)

(this asus is ~4 years old)

laptop in YEARS

was always able to do

a quick dual boot

no problem

windows REALLY didn't want

to share the sdd i guess

frustrating that something so simple

in the past

turns out to be

a pain in the ass now

oh well

end of rant

back to the land of foss

guess i'll have to

install win eventually somehow


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~tffb wrote (thread):

I toyed with the idea of a netbook not long ago, and I like many that are (still) available, but with that (small form factor) means it's generally an ARM chipset, which means no x86 architecture, which means less options in terms of...many things. Though Intel netbooks exist, so there's hope :)

I am considering a lightweight distro as well. mx I haven't looked at yet, but have heard of it. I was using xfce desktop on Raspbian back when, and I got very used to it. Now I am spoiled by Deb12/GNOME.

Better to cut the cord with Windows sooner than later - that OS (and co) is going all-in with AI and every privacy invading practice thats ever been put under the sun. It's your choice of course

hope you're doing ok wolf

~detritus wrote (thread):

You know, I've had a great deal of problems installing linux, from bootloader problems, to kernel panics, to init system issues, missing drivers, X not loading for whatever reason, and everything in between.

One problem I never ever had

was trying to keep a windows partition.

The very first time I had a computer of my own, I wiped the hard drive, and never


looked back. Not a day has passed that I missed Windows.
