< new hardware woes ^¥^


You know, I've had a great deal of problems installing linux, from bootloader problems, to kernel panics, to init system issues, missing drivers, X not loading for whatever reason, and everything in between.

One problem I never ever had

was trying to keep a windows partition.

The very first time I had a computer of my own, I wiped the hard drive, and never


looked back. Not a day has passed that I missed Windows.

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~wolfinthewoods wrote:


i did that

a few months ago

with nixos

felt good

really the only reason

i wanted to dual boot this time

was so i didn't have

to worry about

some games not running

eh, oh well

it looks like using proton

through steam

works pretty well

i'll figure it out in any case

i'm liking mx linux a lot

i was going

to go back to nixos

still might eventually

but mx is pretty cozy


just not running win

feels good

i just wanted it

just in case

but i will admit

i was getting fed up with it

especially since all i wanted

was to use linux

guess i should have just

went straight to

wiping the drive

this is nice actually

still setting things up

it's been much more


than banging my head

against the wall

trying to dual boot

hooray for linux again!

edit: funnily enough the touchpad

works much better on mx then win10
